Thursday, April 1, 2010

8 months Old

Drake turns 8 months old today and is officially acting more like a toddler than a baby now!!!

Here is what Drake is up to at 8 months:
He is NOT interested in getting his picture taken anymore.  I have a feeling that we are going to be having  A LOT more shots like this one!

He climbs up all 12 stairs to get upstairs. He give me a heart attack every.single.time

He pulls up on anything and everything and likes to hold on with only one hand

He loves to give his Momma lots of BIG and WET kisses!

Drake loves the swing at the park

Drake is very unsure about grass and will try everything he can from letting his feet touch it.

This picture pretty much sums up what Drake is always doing, trying to make an escape...even on a slide!

What a fun 8 months we have had with our little man. I'm so excited to see what the future holds!!


  1. Absolutely LOVE the pic of you natural! :)

  2. aw! happy 8 months, drake! and mama. :) love love love these photos!
