Friday, April 23, 2010

I Have the Answers!

So after taking forever to get around to doing this I finally finished. Thanks for asking such great questions!

What did you want to grow up and be as a child?
I was ALWAYS changing my mind. Pretty much if you name a job I had thought about it. I started out as an elementary education major in college. I spent some time in the classroom and realized that teaching was not for me. I changed my major to marketing and corporate communications, a field that much better suited me!

I'd like to hear the story about how you and your husband met at the zoo.
If you missed my post, I did not meet my husband at the zoo where you see animals. It was a zoo where they served beer...our college town bar!  I wish I had some big romantic story but I don't. It was a Thursday night and we were both there with friends. I was dancing and he came up and danced with me. I knew who he was and he knew who I was, but we had never talked before. We started dating a few weeks after we met and the rest is history!
What names other than Drake did you consider before he arrived?
For a long time we had a list of three names: Drake, Charlie, and Finn.
I really loved Charlie, but it seemed like everywhere I went I was hearing a girl with that name and I started not to like it as much. I also love Finn, but I never sold Ben on that name. When I was about 6 months pregnant we decided that we both loved the name Drake since it was easy to spell, a definite boys name, not too common, and went well with our last name. The second we saw our son we knew we picked the right name as he just seemed like a Drake!

How did you tell Ben you were pregnant?
This is kinda a weird story. We had been trying to get pregnant for 14 months before it finally happened. During this time I was also loosing a lot of weight by eating healthy and working out. One night we were watching TV and a Pizza Hut commercial came on, I turned to Ben and said "When we find out I'm pregnant we are ordering Pizza Hut, because it looks so good but really does not fit on my new healthy eating plan."

Fast forward to December 4, 2008. I was home alone, took a pregnancy test, saw it was positive and called Ben at work and said "Looks like we are ordering Pizza Hut tonight." It took him a second to put it together but he was SO excited once he got it! Told you it was weird!!!

What is your number one hope/dream for Drake in his adult life?
This is actually a really tough question because I have so many hopes and dreams for him. So I'm going to cheat and name a few!!  I hope he lives life to the fullest and lives in the moment. I hope that he values education. I hope that he knows the importance of family. I hope that he loves and loves deeply. I hope that he has respect for himself and others. I could go on and on but those are my tops!!

Hopefully you feel like you know me just a little bit better now. I like to mix things up on the blog so look for some other fun and different things soon!


  1. I know what you mean about boy names being used for girls. I feel bad for boys who have a name that later becomes popular amongst girls.

    The Pizza Hut story is great! What toppings did you get? :)

  2. So much fun! Always enjoy getting to know everyone better! Happy Friday!

  3. Hi from SITS!

    That is a great Pizza Hut story. I have a few creative ideas myself, but mostly for telling family. I read about this one in a story somewhere - line up your family to take a photo, and then instead of saying "1-2-3" to take the photo, say "1-2-I'm pregnant" and then take the photo and you get to capture their looks at the news forever!

  4. Writing Without Periods!April 24, 2010 at 10:46 AM

    Pizza Hut...I love Pizza Hut. What a great story.

  5. i love the pizza hut story! that's super cute!
