Friday, April 2, 2010

You Have Questions...I Have Answers

I have seen these posts done on other blogs and always think they are fun so I decided to jump in and do my own Question and Answer post.

What do you want to know about ME?!?

 It can be about my family, my blog or anything you have questions ask away!!!

I will post all the answers sometime next week.

 Leave your question in the comment section of this post!


  1. I've been thinking of doing this too! What did you want to grow up and be as a child? Oh, BTW, Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!!

  2. Thanks for visiting my site!

    I'd like to hear the story about how you and your husband met at the zoo.

    Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest.

  3. Hmmmm. So many questions I could ask.
    1. Of all your high school classmates, who was the coolest? (Watch yourself on this one! Answer wisely!) hehe just kidding.
    1. (seriously now)What names other than Drake did you consider before he arrived?
    2. How did you tell Ben you were pregnant?
    3. What is your number one hope/dream for Drake in his adult life?

  4. YAY! You actually have questions. I posted this awhile back & didn't get anything. :( ...maybe I spill too much in my blog already?! LOL.
