Tuesday, April 20, 2010

It's Warming Up Around Here

So we break out the flip flops

And head over to DQ for some blizzards

Where I let Drake sneak a few bites of mine because I can't say no to that face

We load up the stroller with our plaid short wearing, polo shirt sporting, hat loving boy and wander around the neighborhood
We have so much fun with our shadows
The highchair gets moved outside for supper
Where it occasionally gets used as a cup holder
But most of all we explore and get dirty and enjoy every single second as we soak up these first warm days and look forward to what's to come!


  1. Isn't warm weather the greatest?? I love flip flops and ice cream!! ;o)

  2. Maybe you took advantage of this already, but did you know that DQ has Blizzards Buy one, Get one for 25 cents through the 25th? I think we might have to go tonight...

  3. I love warm weather but I think I love those plaid shorts even more....my little one has plaid short overalls & looks so cute in them too!

    How did he like the blizzard?

  4. Nothing better than the beer shots! I can't do that with my youngest though because I swear that kid loves beer! Every time he sees one he's after it and trying to drink it! Hmmmm????

    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  5. Nerds Blizzards are my fave, as is Bud Light Lime :)

  6. such cute pictures! and seriously, you have the most stylish little man on the planet. :)

  7. Gotta love flip flop weather! Throwing in a DQ blizzard, well that's just Heaven!

  8. Mitzi- I'm afraid Drake liked the blizzard a little *too* much! He would scream until we would give another bite!
