Wednesday, January 12, 2011


 Time for another dose of Toddlerisms brought to you by Drake!
  • Drake has learned how to say the word burp and loves to say it over and over. Yesterday morning while getting ready for daycare he tooted (what do you call it at your house?) and yelled "BURP".  On  the right track buddy, on the right track.
  • Where the Wild Things Are & Going on a Bear Hunt are Drake's favorite books. So isn't funny that we caught him peeing all over them right before bath the other night?!?
  • To say that Drake is obsessed with football would probably be an understatement. He love watching football on TV and runs around yelling "football" and  "touchdown" over and over.
  • We have been working with Drake on saying please. This is not working well because he always thinks we say CHEESE instead of PLEASE and runs to the fridge begging for his favorite snack.
  • Powering the 4-wheeler using his mouth really seems to be the way to go these days.

I really think this age might be my favorite yet!

Speaking of favorites, I will be back on Friday with Friday Favorites.


  1. He sounds like he's got you laughing all day long!

    We call it "toot" also.

  2. Burps & farts are a boys best friend - forever. My 4 yr old says, "Boys fart. Girls toot." Nice.
