Tuesday, January 18, 2011

motherhood is...

Motherhood is getting up in the middle of the night with a teething toddler. Rocking him back and forth in the wee hours of the night while enjoying those moments of deep snuggles.

Motherhood is crying tears of exhaustion from caring for a sick baby all day and not knowing what you can do to make him feel better.

Motherhood is putting your child's needs  in front of your own and feeling guilty in those rare times when you put yourself first.

Motherhood is wondering what you used to fill you days and nights with. You can't remember, but you know it was nothing compared to this.

Motherhood is appreciating everything your parents did, because now you are in the same club and know just how hard it is.

Motherhood is looking into your son's eyes and seeing yourself and your spouse in the face of your child.

Motherhood is hot dogs and mac and cheese and bananas all over the floor.
Motherhood is being sad when you leave your baby but also feeling relief for a break.

Motherhood is listening to the Wiggles CD 5 million times because a certain little boy loves to jam with them.

Motherhood is big wet kisses and  tender hugs from tiny little bodies.

Motherhood is hoping for snow days just so you can spend a whole day snowed in as a family.

Motherhood is loving so much your heart hurts.

Motherhood is wishing that it was bedtime at 5:00 pm after a long day at home.

Motherhood is watching your son play in his room without him knowing and being amazed by his young imagination

Motherhood is scary and exciting. Exhausting and exhilarating. Fun and boring.

Motherhood is nothing I thought it would be.

Motherhood is better than I thought it would be.


  1. this is PERFECTION!!

  2. I couldn't love this more!

  3. What a sweet sweet post, Katie! I can relate and love all of these! Good job!
