Monday, January 3, 2011

Less is More-Part 1

You might remember seeing this picture a few posts below. This is what Drake received from Santa on Christmas morning. What this picture does not show is a whole Little People Village that was set up right next to the tool bench. Drake never saw that toy and never will because it was taken away to donate to charity.

Why you might ask?

Because at that moment on Christmas Eve it hit me-Less is More.

By the time Santa came on Christmas Eve, Drake has already received gifts from his Aunt and Uncle, 1 set of Grandparents, my sister in-laws parents, and us. We still had to celebrate Christmas with my parents and sisters. He already had received so many toys and was going to be getting many more.

After seeing too many kids on TV being ungrateful for gifts and hearing too many stories from parents about how spoiled their kids are, I made the choice on Christmas night to take one of the presents away and give it to a good cause.

You see, it is beyond important to me that my son knows that Christmas is not about Santa or presents or food or stockings. I want him to know it is about Jesus. 

I want  to teach him about this early so he knows nothing else and wants to celebrate Christmas for what it really is. I started our traditions this year. On Christmas Eve we made a birthday cake for Jesus and sang Happy Birthday Jesus.  

 I already know I want to change the way we do gifts at our house on Christmas and  think I will take a cue from my friend Mandey. Drake will receive 3 presents from us because that is how many Baby Jesus received. He will only get 1 present and a stocking from Santa.

 Because less is really MORE!

Stayed tuned tomorrow for Less is More-Part II where I take a hard look at the way I'm living.


  1. Good idea and if they don't grow up being used to excess, they'll never know it! Love this!

  2. I'm with you, and we did not give the girls much at all! After grandparents and then Kate's birthday, there are only so many things a kid could want or need in a 2 week period!

  3. Hi there, I'm a fellow SITStah and new follower. :)

    I recently wrote about the whole Santa debacle:

    My daughter was still too young to understand this year, but we ultimately decided that we'll just do the stockings and one gift from Santa. There is so much excess with the holidays as it is!

  4. The Iowa Farmer's WifeJanuary 5, 2011 at 8:24 PM

    Such a great idea. I agree, my daughter go too much stuff this year. She's still too young to understand, but we talked to my family members and my hubby's about doing MUCH less next year. I don't want her to think that Christmas is about getting, getting, getting and presents, when its really about Christ's birth and giving.

  5. I love this! And your comment about Jesus getting 3 presents! I literally boxed up nearly all of Max's toys before Christmas and put them in the basement. Our home was so peaceful for a few days.
