Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Less is More-Part II

If you missed it -Less is More- Part I

In the last several months I have cleaned out my closest a handful of times and have filled a good 5 garbage bags full of clothes to donate to Goodwill.

You would think I would hardly have any clothes left, but you would be wrong.

My closest is still overflowing with clothes. 

So much so, that I could wear a different long sleeve shirt, sweater, or sweatshirt for 2 months and still not run out of clothes.

That does not even include all my short sleeve shirts, tank tops or dresses.

Factor those in and I've got a good 4 month supply of tops without ever having to wear the same shirt twice.

Disgusting isn't it?

My guess is that many of you are in the same boat of me and could go months without wearing the same shirt.

And to think that some people in the world get by with one outfit.  ONE OUTFIT.

Looks like it is time for me to reprioritize and really live by the less is more mentality.

Come back tomorrow where Less is More-Part III will take on blogging.


  1. Love purging clothes and junk at the beginning of the year.
    Happy New Year.

  2. It still somehow always feels like I have nothng to wear, though...

  3. I have absurd amounts of clothing! I haven't bought anything in 3 years and I still have tags on at least 1/3 of my wardrobe. :(

  4. Whatever Dee-Dee wantsJanuary 6, 2011 at 2:34 PM

    I wish I had the problem of too many clothes :)

  5. That's good that you are becoming less materialistic...good for you and good for baby. It truly is not what we have that matters, it's who we have around us. No one needs several garbage bags full of clothes all to themselves...but there are plenty of people who do need those clothes. Wishing you and your family blessings in the new year.

  6. Oh gosh, I love getting rid of clothes. I'm not a shopper though, so I really don't have that much. I wear the same 10 outfits over and over and over again until they get holes in them. Don't you love starting fresh at the new year!?
