Monday, January 17, 2011

Straight from a Momma's Mouth

  • "Do not feed Skinner your cheese stick! Drake I mean it, don't let Skinner lick your cheese stick before you take a bite."
  • "You are my best friend!"
  • "The stool belongs on floor. You can't sit on your stool on top of the couch."
  • "You are sooooo cute"
  • "Don't hit yourself" (3 million times a day because that is how he takes his frustration out)
  • "What's in your mouth?"
  • "You do that one more time and you are going to time out"
  • "Don't pull Skinner's tail."
  • "When did you get so big?"
  • "I said PLEASE not CHEESE"
  • "Don't pee on the dog."
  • "I love you so much"
Things that just a few short years ago I could not imagine saying, are now things that are said on the regular. Being a mom changed me in way I never expected and I love it!


  1. How about "Don't touch the dog's butt!"

    That may just be us, though, cuz Jack's a cocker and his tail is only a few inches long. :)

  2. It is so great that you are writing this stuff down so that you will always remember what flies outta his little mouth! It is hilarious what they come up with...

  3. Don't pee on the dog? LMAO!!!

    I'm constantly asking what is in my middle son's mouth. And then I say "we don't eat things that aren't food!"

  4. Like Shell said...don't pee on the dog????
