Monday, January 10, 2011

Growing Up

Remember way back on Tuesday when I said I would be back tomorrow following up Less is More- Part I and Less is More-Part II with Less is More- Part III?
That didn't happen.
Because life did.

Drake came down with an awful ear infection, sore throat, and fever on Tuesday night (in addition to getting his 1 year molars) and we have been trying to get him better ever since. So my usual blogging time was replaced with cuddling a sick baby.

I will be back tomorrow with the conclusion of my Less is More series focusing on blogging.

Until then here are a few pictures of my boy looking oh-so grown up!


  1. Aw, he does look so grown up!

  2. Oh I hope he's feeling better soon. He's getting so big. What a gorgeous babe he is!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

  3. That second to the last one, with his finger up, is HYSTERICAL!

  4. He is so cute with that spiky hair!
