Wednesday, August 4, 2010

When It's Your 1st Birthday

I promise this is the last birthday post!

We had Drake's party on Saturday but Sunday was his actual Birthday. We did all sorts of things Drake loved on his special day!

Here is a recap :

When It's Your 1st Birthday you get some pretty cool presents from Momma and Daddy.

When It's Your 1st Birthday you get a special birthday breakfast of donuts! You did not like it all and spit it out much to our surprise

When It's Your 1st Birthday you would rather push Daddy on your new bike than ride it yourself.

When It's Your 1st Birthday eating fruit snacks on the deck is the highlight of your afternoon.

When It's Your 1st Birthday playing with new toys takes up most of the day.

When It's Your 1st Birthday we let you run all over the park collecting rocks and playing in the fountain.

When It's Your 1st Birthday you had fits of laughter from how high you were flying in the air!

When It's Your 1st Birthday we ate supper at the grocery store just so you could have their special mac and cheese you love so much from the deli.

When It's Your 1st Birthday...we celebrate!!


  1. Oh my gosh if that's the mac n cheese from Hy-Vee that stuff is AMAZING. I craved it when I was pregnant and would go there over lunch and get loads of it and their mashed potatoes! I would make my friends go get more for me so I didn't look like such a fatty!

  2. First birthdays are just the best!
    Yay for a week (or month's) worth of b'day fun!

  3. Ma What's 4 dinnerAugust 5, 2010 at 8:20 AM

    What a great way to celebrate Drake's first year. First of many more great ones to come!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  4. Kristi {at} Live and Love...Out LoudAugust 5, 2010 at 11:30 AM

    Happy birthday Drake! What a cutie! Looks like he had a fun-filled birthday weekend.
    Thanks so much for stopping by and linking up. Don't forget to come on back and see if you guessed right with yesterday's mystery photo. Have a great day.

    Kristi, Live and Love...Out Loud

  5. Katie,

    Thanks for your sweet comments. I have been blog stalking you for a while and I love your blog. You do an amazing job!

    Drake is such a cutie pie and his 1st birthday looked like so much fun! I love the puppy theme!

    Have a great weekend!
