Monday, August 2, 2010

The Birthday Boy

Who better to tell you all about his party than the Birthday Boy himself? I'm going to hand this post off to Drake so he can give you a play by play of his big day! Take it away Drake!

Hi it's Drake here. Momma said you all wanted to hear about my big birthday party. I'm in the process of getting 6 teeth in and I've been a little grumpy. What?!?!?  Think how you would feel if you had 6 sharp objects poking through your gums...Yep, that's what I thought! Anyway, Momma made me take a morning and afternoon nap on the day of my party so I would be "well rested and not such a grumpy pants". I figured I would make her happy, so I slept a few winks and when I woke up I was ready to party!! Anybody who knows me knows I love food, puppies, attention and action. My party included all of those so I was dog-gone happy. (Get it? Dog themed party made me dog-gone happy...Hahaha I have a pretty awesome sense of humor for a baby!)

Here are a few of the highlights:

Here I am in my Birthday outfit! Daddy was making funny faces at me!

I had enough picture taking! It was time to go greet my guests.

Even my shorts had puppies on them! I wish Skinner could have a matching pair.

Momma has been really into family photos lately. She told me to tell you that her hair looks pretty wild because she was busy running around in the 1000% humidity!! I told her I thought it looked pretty, I'm learning early that a happy Momma makes a happy baby!

My Nana loves to cuddle on me. She thought my birthday party was really cool. Maybe I will let her borrow the decorations for her next birthday!

I was hoping Papa would want to quit taking pictures soon so we could play. He loves playing with me and always finds awesome stuff to play with.

What would a puppy party be without a puppy? I was so sad that Skinner had to go over to the neighbors during the party. Daddy said he is too wild and might eat the cake!

Laila wanted to know why I was mad and I just said "It's my party and I will cry if I want to!"

I had so many friends at my party! I think they all like puppies as much as I do!

I was not sure what to think about the whole present thing. It seemed very strange to me that a toy would be covered up by paper!

Grandma helped me eat my birthday supper. I got so lucky they served all my favorites-hot dogs, buns, oreo salad and mac and cheese. Best.Meal.Ever!

Being a Birthday Boy is really hard work! I was taking a much needed break with Momma!

You better check back tomorrow to see my cake smash pictures. I might have liked the cake but I might have hated it too. Guess you will just have to stay in suspense for another day!
Much Puppy Love and Slobber Kisses,


  1. Looks like you all had a FUN time - looks like he's the popular one already! :)

  2. Aw, he's such a cutie!

  3. Wow, Drake - looks like your puppy party was FAB!!! Happy birthday!

  4. He is such a darling little birthday boy! The kids all sitting in the lawn look so cute there!

    I thought it was funny how Laina is looking at him wondering what the heck he's fussing for!

  5. Little Drake....your birthday party was AmAzInG! Your mommy was so creative and did such a great job! You are certainly loved by many, sweet boy! Laila had so much fun shopping for the perfect puppy outfit to wear to your party, munching on the puppy chow once she arrived, playing on your slide, and most importantly...seeing YOU celebrate your big day! Happy Birthday!

  6. what beautiful pictures!!! Happy Birthday to your baby boy!!!stopping by from SITS!!!

  7. Oh my what a big boy Drake is...he looks so grown up! I am loving all the birthday pics, and like everyone, can't wait for the cake smash photos. You look so cute in that striped tank dress!

  8. Oh Happy Birthday buddy! Looks like a great day.

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  9. even dog shorts?! wow! he was stylin'!
