Monday, August 23, 2010

Rethinking Blogging

Over the last year I have poured so much of myself, time, energy and talent into this blog. In return the blog has given me great friends, helped me learn so much about being a mom and opened some pretty amazing  doors for me. Sassy Silly Spunky Momma has been a true blessing and joy to me.

That being said, the blog is not going in the direction I want it to go. It has started to take up much of my free time and taken time from other activities I used to enjoy. To make matters worse sometimes I feel like I'm doing a post just do a post instead of really concentrating on the content. Things need to change. I've been thinking a lot about the direction I want to take the blog and I've come up with a few ideas.

Most weeks I have a post everyday except Saturday. I've discovered I can't continue at that pace and still put out good content. I'm going to be cutting back to around 3-4 posts a week. I want to do more "real" writing. I want to tell stories using pictures, really explain my feelings using words and connect with my readers on a different level. All my favorite posts from the past are the posts where I really pour my heart out and am my true authentic self. I am recommitting to that standard  from now on.

I have all my reviews/giveaways on the back burner during the month of August to concentrate on Drake gives back. Starting next month I'm going to really limit my giveaways and reviews to no more than 2 a month. In addition, I will only review a product that is something I think I would love and you, my readers, would love. I don't want my blog to become all about giveaways instead of my writing. I have been turning companies down and will continue to do so. If you are a blogger who would be interested in doing reviews /giveaways please e-mail me your contact information and I will pass it along to interested companies.

Finally,  I want you to know that if I'm not commenting as much that I am still reading your blog. I do a lot of blog reading on my phone with Google Reader whenever I have a free second. Unless I'm totally missing something (please tell me if I am) I have no idea how to comment from there.

Basically the whole idea behind cutting back on blogging is cutting back on time in front of the computer and spending that time in other productive ways. I need to declutter my life and that means taking more walks, deep cleaning my house, making healthy dinners, cuddle with my husband, play with my dog, have a few more minutes of quality time with my baby everyday and rediscover old hobbies.

This isn't good-bye, just a "fall cleansing" of sorts. I will see you around and hopefully you will leave here a little more inspired from now on.

So please excuse me. I have a pile of reading calling my name.


  1. Totally understandable darlin'. Sometimes it's hard to keep up. We'll all be here reading whatever and whenever you can get it out. :)

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  2. I actually deleted my blog once upon a time for a while when I felt it was too overwhelming. Since I came back, I have changed the way I do things and I take time off whenever I need to or want to. I think it's healthy to be sure you have the right balance.

    Not to mention, I adore reading and your stack of books looks awfully inviting!

  3. Oh, I am so relating to this right now! I only post two or maybe three times per week, because that's all I can maintain.

    I had a blogger friend say recently she has to post every day because her readers expect it. Let's be honest - we can all survive if our favourite bloggers cut back a bit. In fact, I think it makes you more interesting when you focus on quality, and not quantity, and that is what keeps readers coming back. We all recognize "filler" when we read it!

    I've done a lot of giveaways throughout the summer because I've been on holidays, but they require a lot of work, and I just can't do it when I'm teaching full-time. As my summer winds down, I'm also trying to decide how much of myself I can give to my blog. This post helped put things in perspective, so thanks!

    Kate @ This Mom Loves

  4. I think you are right to find a balance not only for the blog, but for you.

    Stopping from SITS!

  5. good for you, katie! we all need to forge our own way in this crazy blogosphere!

  6. My heart sank when I read your post title. You are one of my most very favorite blogs! I am so glad you're not quitting blogging completely. But I agree, it's important to stay true to yourself and what you want out of your blog. Good for you! : )

  7. Sometimes we all need a break! Posting 3-4 weeks is great! You could probably cut down even more.

    I am currently reading Certain Girls. You'll love it!

    ...stopping by from SITS...

  8. You do whatever is best for you! This blogging thing is very time consuming and involves a lot of work depending on the direction you want to go. I also am trying to figure out how to better manage my time so that I can have good content and also be able to focus on outside things.

  9. I am totally with you, Katie! I actually haven't even had time to make the rounds to my favs (like yours) for the past week, things are so busy. It's tough to balance blogging, mommyhood, and all the extras that come with running a household. I love blogging too, but sometimes just need a break. It's funny because I actually just posted today about taking a blog break for the week. I need to get some stuff done around here and time to think! Everyone understands, at least that's what I keep telling myself! I feel bad if I don't post, so I'm working on that. After all, it's our blog, right and we shouldn't let it become a chore! Happy for your new plan and I'll be here to read, whenever you post! Sorry for the ramble...Hugs, girl!
