Wednesday, August 18, 2010

No Way

There is no way this sweet boy has stared to bite...

              and screams at the top of his lungs at supper when we don't give him what he wants to eat...

                        and throws himself down on the floor in an all out fit when we don't pick him up....

         and looks at something he is not suppose to touch and shakes his head no and touches it anyways...

He would never do anything like that!
No Way

I think the phrase "don't judge a book by the cover" might be the perfect way to  Mr. Drake


  1. No possible way. You're obviously talking about some other little boy, not that adorable guy!!

  2. NOT DRAKE! He's too cute to possibly misbehave. You must be mistaken! :)

  3. Oh nooooo, not a chance. But he's so cute, it's almost okay!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

  4. does that boy ever stop smiling?!?! seriously! i can't believe it!

  5. That little imp wouldn't misbehave!

  6. So funny, aren't they? Gillian Grace is definitely developing her own little personality...and exploring her wild side! She shakes her head no too which makes us crack up! Happy Friday, girl!
