Friday, August 6, 2010

A Cluttered Mess

That is what my brain is right now...a cluttered mess. These last few days have turned out to be super busy leaving me with no time to write my blog or read other blogs. I'm seriously going through withdrawal!!

Since I have so much stuff running through my mind I'm just going to spill all sorts of random stuff to you. Aren't you lucky?!? So here goes nothing...

  • I made the big mistake by taking Drake with me to renew my license today. I don't know about where you live, but in Iowa there is only one place in each county to do this. So you can imagine how packed the place is!  We waited in line for a half hour to even get into the building and then at least another another half hour for our turn. Drake was bored and all he wanted to do was get down and run around. Being the super mean Momma that I am I would not let him (this place is just gross). This resulted in him screaming. Loud. I mean make your ears ring loud.  People staring loud. Just plain loud! Next time Drake will not be coming. 
  • Also related to the new drivers license. You can no longer smile when you have your picture taken for your licence. I will never ever share this picture with you or anybody else. Think of what my mug shot would look like and you've now got a pretty good idea of the little picture treasure my wallet will now protect.
  • I've recently discovered the awesomeness that is consignment shops. About time huh? I bought Drake some clothes for fall at one. All the clothes either looked brand new or were brand new with the tags still on it. AWESOME!
  • My house is a mess. Not really dirty, but cluttered. I still need to find a place for all of Drake's new toys and I have totes of clothes he has outgrown to sort through. How much of your baby's clothes did you keep? Do you keep it all for you next baby, keep some, or get rid of it all?
  • Here is my big secret. I used to design wedding invitations for people. OK. so this is obviously not a huge juicy secret, but nevertheless something you probably did not know about me. Anyways, I really want to get back into designing them again and maybe even expand to birthday invitations, announcements and stationary. I need a new printer and a name for the business before I can start. Any good ideas?
Hopefully next week is just a little bit more organized! Have a great weekend!


  1. You can't smile? That's bizarre!

  2. Ugh I hate the DSM DMV. I went once and they messed up my address and I had to do it again. I went again with my friend Molly once, and they messed hers up too! And not smiling? How dumb is that?

    And about getting rid of baby stuff-I don't want to get rid of anything and I have TWO babies already lol. I keep thinking-what if we have another boy someday? I'm a pack-rat like that. I always think I'll need something again and don't want to get rid of it. Luckily I have Chikezie who is opposite of me, he seriously just throws stuff away like it's noting and I freak out!

  3. Skye is the Limit!August 6, 2010 at 7:23 PM

    New follower, I cant wait to read more. I love it so far :)
