Monday, August 9, 2010

But I Just Had a Baby...

This is going to be a confession post of sorts.

About my weight.

Fun topic, huh?

Remember how right after you have a baby you can say "I just had a baby" and use that as an excuse for anything? That phrase justifies  being tired, being fat, being crabby and many other situations.

You know what is really interesting? The other day I stepped on the scale, saw a number I did not like and thought I just had a baby that is why my weight is where it is.  Then 2 seconds later reality came and slapped me in the face. Hard. Because I did not just have a baby. I had a baby over a year ago. A.Year.Ago. 365 days. I can only longer use that excuse.

So after letting the reality of the situation sink in, I decided it was time to take a long look at myself and see what was derailing my weight loss efforts. It did not take long to figure out what was going on

Problem #1 Working Out-I stopped doing P90X. I have no good excuse except that I was lazy. I was too lazy to get my butt out of bed and spend an hour a day  working out.

Fix- STOP BEING LAZY KATIE!!! In all seriousness, I can fix this. I can get up in the morning. Drake sleeps 12 hours I night. I get plenty of sleep. I can get up and workout. I need to make it a priority.

Problem #2 Eating-I discovered when I really looked at eating habits that I am without a doubt an emotional eater. If I am stressed out or upset I tend to make very poor food choices. I eat things I normally would not eat and I eat more than I normally would.

Fix- I have never publicly acknowledged this to anybody besides my mom before. I need to admit to my problem before I can fix it, so I'm admitting. I need to really concentrate on making good food choices when I'm stressed or upset. No need to be stressed and fat, right? I am also going to try to find something like walking, blogging or taking a bath to make me feel better instead of food.  I think this is going to be more challenging then the working out but I'm really committed to this.

So now my weight loss dirty laundry is all out in the open. I have to recommit. I have to do this for my health. I have to do this for me. I have to do this.

Now I'm  now going to do something super scary so everything really is out in the open-

I weigh 174.6 lbs as of this morning

I want to weight 160 lbs by Christmas.

Doable goal don't you think? I will be updating you on my journey periodically.

P.S.-Keep forgetting to tell you but I made a Facebook page! Click below to "like" me!

The Sassy Silly Spunky Momma

Promote Your Page Too

                                                                 Tuesday Tag-Along


  1. You know, P90X and some of those work outs with lofty goals can be intimidating. You miss one or two days and feel like-what's the point to keep going it, I'm already missing days!

    I've been trying to take everything one day at a time, sometimes one MEAL at a time. Baby steps. I also mark off with a big "X" on our calendar on our fridge the days I work out. It kind of gives me a visual of how I'm doing.

    I think you have a good goal! I'm at 176 as of this morning and you know, I'd like to be at 160 by Christmas, too! I was around 158 when I got'd be nice to get back!

    So if you don't mind I think I'll go on this little journey with you!

  2. GO Katie!! I know you can do it!

    I have a blog post along these very same lines that is posting tomorrow morning. I have GOT to do something about this weight now before it gets out of control.

    Maybe we can be in this together? I'll cheer you on if you cheer me on!

  3. Whatever Dee-Dee wantsAugust 10, 2010 at 6:52 AM

    My baby is almost 2 and I have the last 10 pounds of baby weight to lose. Gotta do it!

  4. Happy Tuesday Tag-Along! I am a new follower and look forward to your blog posts. Good luck reaching your weight loss goals--it's never fun on the way to getting there, but feels great when you do! =) Enjoy your Tuesday!

  5. Hello there! I am your newest follower!

  6. Happy Birthday AuthorAugust 10, 2010 at 8:12 AM

    Stopping by through Tuesday Tag Along. I hope you can stop by my blog. I have a great giveaway to celebrate the birthday of the children’s author Seymour Simon. He is giving away an autographed copy of his new book, Tropical Rainforests.

  7. there's a bunch of us who are doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred! The workout is only 20 minutes long!! You've got 20 minutes, right?!

  8. I just found myself saying the same thing..."I just had a baby." The only problem is mine was nearly 19 months ago!!! I feel your pain and am working toward fixing it. My biggest thing is not working out; sitting on the couch watching the Real Housewives is so much more fun.

  9. Newest follower from Tuesday Tag-Along. I hope you can stop in and see me at

  10. Mom's Review for youAugust 10, 2010 at 10:05 PM

    Feel free to post your link on my weekly Blog hop to get more followers!!

  11. Oh my gosh Katie...I'm so there with you! I just had that realization yesterday. It's been six weeks since I had Morgan and I still need to lose 25 pounds!! Ugh..I bought a treadmill and put it in my bedroom so I wouldn't "forget" it was there!! I will be rooting you on and hopefully gaining inspiration from you on the emotional eating part (i'm soooo guilty of that!) You (we) can do it!!!
