Monday, October 4, 2010

A Fresh Coat

You know how a fresh coat of paint can give life to a dull and dark room?

We are totally rocking the fresh coat here in our little household!

After a near disastrous DYI hair dying experience in college (think the most bleached blond you have ever seen... that was me x10) I swore off hair dye from a box forever until yesterday. I decided to try and save a bit of money and give my faded summer-kissed highlighted head a warm and darker look for fall. It went off without a hitch and now I'm sporting a fresh coat!
I was acting silly and Ben captured it.
Sadly this was the best picture out of the 20 he took so you get to see the real crazy me.

I rearranged our front room this weekend. I moved furniture around and made a picture wall that I'm in love with. Oh, and this wall is ACTUALLY going to be getting a fresh coat of paint this fall. The paint shade of hot coco will soon be covering these walls. How warm and cozy does that sound?!
I'm noticing a few a little crocked ::off to straighten pictures::

Mr. Drake has been  fighting off an ear infection and high fever since Wednesday. I think last night was the turning point and my little guy is back to his fun and energetic self. He has been roaring like crazy again (he might think he is a lion) and climbing on everything in sight! He has a fresh coat of energy and health!
"Just let me eat mom without your camera in my face"-Drake

I'm seriously thinking of giving this blog a fresh coat by doing a redesign and making the hop over to Wordpress. I would have to hire somebody to help me with all the tech stuff. Any advice on who to hire?

Ben started his new job last week and it is a total fresh coat for him .He is in a job he loves and is totally suited for. I'm so happy he finally found a job that fits his creative and social personality.

This fall is off to a great start with all of our fresh coats. I'm sure we will keep adding more, but for right now it feels pretty refreshing!

Do you have any fresh coats in your house?


  1. Love the hair. Love the wall. Drake is a stud with his new haircut.

    I'm glad everything is looking up for you guys!

  2. I can't think of a better time of year for a fresh coat than fall. Your hair looks beautiful!

    I did my last bathroom in a warm toasty color too and loved it!

  3. Love the hair- good job!!We need a fresh coat of paint in EVERY ROOM OF OUR HOUSE!! Plus- I really , really need to get my hair colored.


  4. I love your wall of pictures!

    ... And I'm reminded that I need to buy a new coat for winter! :)

  5. Hair looks great! I love fresh coat of paint on my walls or my hair. Visiting from SITS. Have a good one.

  6. Visiting from the SITS groupy! I love pictures walls and I love that you did a box hair dye (the make me nervous, but you look fabulous), you look great!

    We just finished painting the entire living area of our home, so we had a literal fresh coat of paint!!

  7. LOVE the hair! I think you look a lot like your littlest sister...or maybe Meggie looks like YOU. :) Very cute. Love the wall! I just did something similar in our hallway. Drake keeps getting cuter- love that little squirt!

  8. LOVE your hair! I love the idea of a collections of frames and things, too. I have 2 names of WP girls for you; I can send an email.
