Sunday, October 10, 2010

Life with a Toddler

I swear I was standing right beside him while he played in the towel drawer in the kitchen happily. I took my eyes off of him for one second to open some mail and turned around to find my little monkey swinging from  the handle of the oven. Before I could grab him he pulled the oven door open and toppled over. Thankfully,
Ben was standing right by the sink and grabbed him before any more damage was done.

You see, more damage could have easily have been done because we were making pizza in a oven heated to 425 degrees when Drake pulled that little trick.

I will stop for a moment while you gasp just like I did when it happened.....OK, ready to move on? Because there is more.

I have also found him sitting on top of the kitchen table with a huge grin on his face.

And standing on the entry way chair trying to reach a shelf.

He has tried climbing on his toy storage shelf almost pulling the whole thing over on him.

He is quite often found sitting on Skinner like he is a pony.

And has come way to close to running down our flight of stairs a million times.

My kid has no fear.

While I'm full of fear for what this crazy dude will do next.

Life with a toddler is awesome and scary all at the same time.

PS- We now have an oven lock, our kitchen chairs are pushed in at all times, and all of his toy baskets are on the lowest shelves. Toddler proofing is officially underway in our house.


  1. Until you have you rip through your house, there are so many things you don't ever consider as being a toddler hazard. :) Good luck!

  2. Jules from A Little Bite of LifeOctober 10, 2010 at 8:12 PM

    Love your blog-I am a fellow SITS Baa tribe member! My "toddler" is now 12 1/2 yrs old, the time goes so fast!

  3. Hi! I am also in the baa tribe on SITS and am just now getting around to meeting everyone! I know the fear of living with a toddler, but as mine is about to turn four and it is no better I have decided the real danger is living with a little boy! (found mine playind IN THE DRYER yesterday) Hope to hear more from you soon!!

  4. DRAKE! You're going to give your mama a heart attack! I remember my brothers having so many bruises on their heads when they were that age!

    I am SERIOUSLY afraid for when the boys start doing this. We have so many climbing spots/sharp corners in our house! (Not to mention the hardwood floor which as already bonked some heads!)

  5. I am in the process of toddler proofing too! Like Drake, Abby has absolutely NO fear! The joys of toddlers! LOL! Thanks for visiting my blog & making my SITS day special!

  6. I am so happy that he is alright & I think I will be running out after nap time to get the oven lock since Brayden loves to pull on the handle of ours.........

  7. I did gasp... how did you know? I gasped soooo big- because I know. I feel you.
    My son is two and a half. He's climbed the bookshelf, stood on the toilet to reach the medicine cabinet, swung from the curtains....
    Life with a toddler is never dull. I don't remember the last time I breathed.

    PS- Hello from the Baaa tribe. :)

  8. Seriously. They are fearless. And the good thing is, thank GOD, they are usually just fine. I remember that stage though. I was a mess. Very stress inducing for certain!
