Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thursday Thoughts

  • Drake is sick for the first time! He has a cold, with a runny nose, red throat, rash and a cough. I feel so bad for the little guy. I think that Drake not feeling well is just as hard on Momma as it is him!!
  • Do you ever forget if you have shampooed or put conditioner in your hair while you are showering? I don't know what my deal has been this week, but I have done it twice. I always play it safe and just shampoo again!!
  • I got a preview of the new blog layout and I love it !! Hope you do too!
  • How do you get your housework done? I only work 3 days a week and I still can't get it all figured out. I feel like my house is always dirty. Tips?!?
So tired, even his Praise Baby DVD would not keep him awake!

Crawled right into the laundry basket!

Hiding underneath Skinner


  1. When you figure out the clean house thing, let me know. =) I'm good with's just the picking up in order to clean. LOL

    Oh, and I LOVE Drake's "crawling."

  2. a clean house? what's that? ;) and feel better, drake! yea, those first colds are extra tough on mamas.
