Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thursday Thoughts

  • This week has already been much easier taking Drake to daycare and being able to focus at work. It really DOES get easier with time.
  • I am LOVING the Olympics. Anybody else have Olympic fever?
  • I decided to not do weight watchers online and check into getting a personal trainer for a few sessions. I need help knowing how tone my main trouble areas, my tummy and hips.
  • Speaking of the gym, I went to workout this morning and took Drake to the childcare at the gym for the first time. There were some things that bothered me about it, I think I will write a separate post about this weekend.
  • Ben and I are going on a date tomorrow night! My sister volunteered to babysit so we are going to a dinner and a movie. We try and have a date night one or two nights a month, and we always look forward to it!
As always I will leave you with some pictures of Drake!

Doesn't he look like his Daddy?

Toes and socks are so yummy!


  1. cute pictures! and YES, i have olympic fever too. :) have fun on your date!

  2. Um...I think he looks like his mommy!
