Monday, February 8, 2010

Back to Work I Go

The snow is coming down hard outside my office window and my heart is breaking because today is the first day I left my baby at daycare. I did not cry. I told myself I would not cry and I didn't. I really think that going to Hawaii and leaving him for 9 days helped prepare me for this.
I know that I am lucky, luckier than most moms in fact. I was able to home with my sweet little man for 6 whole months. 6 months that I was able to watch him change from the tiny, wild haired, cranky newborn to the handsome, funny, and delightful 6 month old he is today.

I'm lucky because he is going to daycare only 2 days a week and those 2 days will be spent full of fun, playing, exploring and cuddles.

I'm lucky because he will get to spend 1 day a week with his Nana doing all sorts of fun things and being spoiled rotten in the process.

I'm lucky because I still get to be home with him every Thursday and Friday and I'm even luckier because I will not even be working from home those days, so Thursdays and Fridays are now going to be full of outings and fun Momma and Drake time.

I'm lucky but I still can feel sad. So today I will think about him, and I will wonder what he is doing and I will sneak out of work a little early to pick up my baby and tonight I will let him stay up past his bedtime to snuggle with me a little longer. I know it will get easier but today I miss my little buddy.

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