Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Changing it Up

Because I will now be working on Tuesdays I am moving Tuesday Thoughts over to Thursday so look for it tomorrow! Until then, enjoy the pictures of my growing boy!!
Looking SO BIG in my frog pjs
Dr. Drake hanging out in his new car seat
So sad!!!
He loves his buddy Skinner!
"Watch out I come"
He has the crawling position down, now just to figure out how to get the arms and legs to go!


  1. I love the sad/grouchy face pic! :) HOPE your first week back went are VERY lucky to be able to still have so much time at home with him...AWESOME!

  2. Oh my gosh....he is totally about to start crawling which means you are TOTALLY about to become extremely busy!! :-) Love all the pictures! "Dr. Drake" sounds so professional!
