Monday, February 15, 2010

Weight Watchers

Has anybody ever done Weight Watcher Online Program? I am thinking about it and would like to hear some feedback from people who have done it!
Hawaii 2010 (this is what I look like now)
Cruise 2009 (This is what I looked like 12 week pregnant and probably 20 lbs lighter than I am now)
November 2008(This picture was taken after I lost 30 lbs and right before I found I was pregnant)

I need a jump start. I need to fit into my old jeans. I need to get rid of this yucky belly. I need to finally put my mind to it and do it, I need to stop making excuses and most of all... I need to do this for me.


  1. Well, I think you look great now, but I knot that feeling of wanting to fit in your jeans, even when everyone says you look fab. I haven't done weight watchers, but have seen it work for many people. Good luck!

    PS: I thought the first pic was the before pic! You seriously look amazing! Are you a runner?

  2. Weight Watchers has never worked for me, neither the online or the meetings. BUT, that's because I'm so NOT disciplined! The only thing that worked for me BEFORE I got pregnant (now it has gone out the stinking window) was Nutrisystem. It's not that expensive and all the food is there for you. They have good discounts for beginners. That's what I'll do after baby..however, Weight Watchers works so well for other people..I'm not sure what was wrong with me! :)

  3. Courtney-Thanks for the advice!

    Care-That is so nice of you to say,I'm not a runner, I do like to workout but have not done much since Drake has been born. I am tall, so the extra 15 lbs don't show as easy, but I know they are there and my tummy needs to be toned up so those jeans will zip! How did you loose your baby weight?

  4. Every time I try to start Weight Watchers, I want to eat everything in sight. It works well for some people. I just don't buy the tempting foods, becasue I don't have enough discipline to only eat a little. the only thing that really works for me is kicking it up a notch at the gym with cardio and weight intervals. Would rather be eating than going to the gym!
