Monday, February 22, 2010

Blog, Weight and a Sock

1. This blog is getting a makeover! Stay tuned for a new design as well as a few new blog features!
2. I watched what I ate at home, I ate out 4 times and made good choices, I watched my portion size, I worked out one time at the gym and did my 30 day shred video two times and then I waited. I waited for Monday to come to see just how much my hard work paid off. Pay off it did! I lost 1.8 lbs!! Nothing like a nice little jumpstart to keep you motivated. 1.8 lbs down...11 lbs to go to goal weight. This means I'm officially down 25 lbs from when Drake was born. I'm starting to think about what my reward should be for meeting me goal...I will get back to you on that!

Socks...the new lunch item of choice for Mr. Drake!!


  1. how great! congrats on the weightloss. you know what's funny? addie eats socks all the time! so weird.

  2. yay for blog makeovers!

    and good for you on the weight loss, losing the baby weight is tough stuff!

    and socks...oh, how delicious! :)

  3. Awesome - KEEP up the GREAT work! ...when it warms up [if ever?!], we should walk on the trail behind Hy-Vee or Copper Creek Lake. :)
