Sunday, March 31, 2013

My Weight Loss Journey-20 Pounds Down

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10 month ago I looked in the mirror and  I did not recognize the body that was staring back at me.  I knew that I needed to make some changes but felt so very overwhelmed when I thought about having to lose 40 lbs. I decided to break my goal up and focus on losing 20 lbs. 20 lbs. seemed do-able and not near as frightening as 40 lbs.  I slowly started adding in exercise and really started to clean up my eating (especially over the last 2 months) and it may have taken 10 months but last Wednesday I officially reached my first weight loss goal of 20 lbs.

When I look in the mirror now I am staring to recognize the person who is looking back. My face is not as full and my stomach not as bloated. My arms have definition and my legs and thighs are slowly starting to tone up.  I still have at least 20 more lbs. I want to lose and  know that it may take some time so I plan to work hard all while having grace with myself.

I have no doubt in my mind that my body will never look just the way it did before I had children and I am OK with that.  I actually don’t know how it could after it has spent almost 2 years as safe haven for  my two sweet little boys. Pregnancy and motherhood have left their scars on my body in the form of stretch marks and a flabby tummy and wider hips, but they are scars I wear with pride as they are a reminder as to why I am working so hard to lose this weight....I am losing it for those 2 boys. Those boys need to grow up in a home where their parents set an example of healthy living for them. Where eating healthy is a priority and playing outside is expected. Where their mom is confidant about her body and does not talk negatively about the way she looks.

Those boys deserve that.

I deserve that.