Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Having Grace With Yourself as a Momma


I have been  living my life around that word this past year.

Having two kiddos, working part-time, trying to keep my house clean, cooking healthy meals, writing this blog and contributing to another, being a wife to my husband, making time for my friendships and trying to find a little time for me is hard.

Hard and overwhelming.

I made the conscious decision during the last few weeks of my pregnancy with Charlie to give myself grace in not getting it all done and to just enjoy the time I had with my family.  I followed my own advice this past year and let me tell you it has paid off. My house is not spotless, sometimes we eat pizza too many nights in a week, my laundry pile is always high BUT I've soaked up my boys and my husband this past year like I never have before…all because I gave myself some grace.

Maybe you are a new momma who feels overwhelmed by your responsibilities.

Or maybe you are struggling to overcome the mountains of laundry and the floors that never seem to stay clean.

Maybe you just can’t shake those last 10 lbs. of baby weight.

Please have grace with yourself and allow yourself not to feel like you have to do it all. We only get to be mommas to our babies for such a short season that the other stuff can be put on the back burner while we cuddle and kiss and read to our babies.

I promise you will not regret rocking the baby a little longer or playing Candyland instead of cleaning your house or washing your dishes.

Soak up those babies.

And give yourself Grace.


  1. great post, Katie! so important for us all to remember. thanks for this today - needing a wake-up call to put work in front of life!

  2. Amen, girl! I've definitely had to let go of some of the high expectations I had for myself. As long as I know I'm doing my best, I'm happy. Motherhood has refined me in many ways, one of them being this--learning that I simply can't do it all perfectly all of the time. And I'm so thankful that my husband knows that, too! Thanks for a great post, Katie.

  3. I could totally relate to that post as I ate chips and salsa for dinner !

  4. Chips and salsa actually sounds like the PERFECT dinner to me ;)

  5. [...] lbs. I want to lose and  know that it may take some time so I plan to work hard all while having grace with [...]

  6. Oh my, having a husband that knows that is priceless! I am lucky to have a great husband too who just expects me to have fun with the kiddos, such a blessing!

  7. Thanks Sarah! You are such a great Momma:)

  8. [...] nothing) because he does a whole heck of a lot. I need to take some advice from myself and give myself some grace. I need to know that the perfect house and the perfect body and the perfect craft time activities [...]
