Thursday, March 7, 2013

Happy Where I Stand

Welcome! The new design is still a work in progress with a few things left to wrap up,  but for the most part Happy Where I Stand is ready for its big debut!

I wanted to share with you how this name came about and my vision for Happy Where I Stand.

I've always anticipated the next big thing-going to college, graduate college, getting married, buying a house, having a baby, having another baby, etc. thinking that once I reached the next big thing I would be happier. You know what  I have found? That really was never the case. Was I happy? Yeah, sure I was, but soon I would be itching for the next thing to come along thinking that thing would make me even happier.

But at some point in the last year I started to look at life a little differently. I started to be happy where I am in the moment. And you know what? That little change, well, it changes everything. The thing is, I didn't even consciously think to myself one day "Hey Katie, please just start being happy in the moment, OK?"  it just happened organically.   I started to enjoy the moments I was living so much more instead of looking toward the next big thing coming up in the future. You know what? Those little moments are where all the magic happens anyways.

My vision for this blog is simple.  I want to be an encouragement to other Momma's.  I want to focus on the little things, the things that I make an ordinary day extraordinary and of course those little moments of magic. I want to share stories and pictures and chat with you. I want to be happy where I stand.


  1. Katie - 
    I LOVE this!!  I feel such a connection to this sentiment.  I had this same conversation with Eric at Christmas!  I wanted to fully experience Christmas with the babies this year and not anticipate it like I had every other year.  All those years, Christmas would just fly by.  I embraced "the moment" this year and felt so much more fulfilled this year!  I love that you have embraced the current moment!  You are a great momma!
    Karen S

  2. What a great vision, Katie. I look forward to continuing the journey with you! :-)
