Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Paci Help Needed

I talked about Drake's paci addiction before and how it was becoming a problem.

Well now I need your help.

Have you dealt with getting rid of the paci?

Did you go cold turkey?

Or did you phase it out?

Drake pretty much just uses the paci at nap and nighttime, although he was sick last week so he was back to using it all the time again.

I'm tired of being a slave to the paci so something has to give.

Give it to me straight. What is your best advice on getting rid of the paci?


  1. Matthew really only used it at bedtime. We went cold turkey when he was about a year and a half. The first night was rough, I can't lie! But we got through it. The next night was a little better. The night after that, even a little better. About 4 days later it was like he never had a paci habit at all!

  2. We did it cold turkey. It didn't even seem to bother him that we didn't give it to him. For a while, he chewed his blanket after we took it away.

  3. Have you tried cutting a small hole in the end of it? Loses the suction and makes it less fun to suck on. Worked for 2 of my 3 kids.

  4. Mackenzie was also a nap, night, and car pacifier addict. We quit with Kenzie cold turkey. One morning she woke up and all of her "pluggies" were on the counter and had holes cut in the tips. We told her they were all broken and we had her throw them away. We thought it would be an ugly couple days, but she didn't cry once, just said "my pluggies are broken." You never know, it could go much easier than you expected.
