Monday, February 21, 2011

Just Like Daddy

I was at the computer when I heard squeals of delight coming from our family room.

I looked up to see Drake laughing and running in manic circles around Ben.

The laughter grows louder as Ben starts to play catch with Drake.

I sit and watch in silence taking it all in and think about the kind of man I hope Drake grows up to be.

A man with a kind heart and full of encouraging words for his wife.

A man who does not take himself to seriously and knows how to have a good time.

A man who is respectful and appreciative of the women in his life.

A man who works hard and has a love for God.

A man who knows right from wrong and has strong morals and values.

A man who is just like his Daddy.

I watch as Drake tries to throw the ball the way Ben does and they both erupt into fits of laughter.

Before I run off to join them, I smile knowing that my little boy is already just like his Daddy.