Monday, February 14, 2011

Miscellany Monday and a Little Crafting Too

{Felt Ruffle Wreath}
When I saw the felt ruffle wreath that Vanessa over at The Crafty Nest had made, I knew I had found my  next craft project!

I had some yellow felt squares left over from Drake's car mat and went to Hobby Lobby and bought a yard of white felt, a foam wreath, and straight pins.

Here is how the whole thing came together-

You start by cutting your felt into circles. I used the lid to a can of fried onions (green bean casserole anyone?) to trace my circles.

 You then fold your piece of felt in half

and then in half again

You then pin the circle to the foam wreath filling in until it is completely covered

Here is a pretty good shot of what it should look like when it is all filled in

Final product

I have it hanging on my front door which is in DESPERATE need of a new paint job

 I love the touch of spring it brings and the pop of color the yellow adds.

{Can I Get a Vote?}
I know everybody and their dog is asking for your vote since Top Baby Blogs reset SO I figured I might as well ask too. If you like Sassy Silly Spunky Momma would you mind voting by clicking on the button below?
Top Baby, Daddy & Mommy Blogs on TopBabyBlogs.Com

Drake learned the word "poop". He says it when he poops or when he sees Skinner pooping outside. But of course his favorite times to say it is when we are grocery shopping or out to eat. He especially loves to shout  it when somebody is looking right at him in public. I guess boys will be boys!

{Leaving HTML to the Experts}
I wanted to change the color of some of the fonts on the blog this weekend. I was going to contact Shannon to help me out, but after snooping around the html coding for a bit I figured out how to do it on my own! I was thinking I was so smart figuring it out all by myself until I saw that I somehow deleted the beautiful font used for my post titles. Looks like I will need some help after all!
ETA:Now it seems to be back to normal. This is why I do not like Blogger. No consistency. Seriously looking to switch to Wordpress soon!

{CSN Stores Giveaway}
I'm giving away a $20 Store Credit to CSN Stores. Click here to enter

I'm participating in:

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters


  1. That's really cute! I am so craft illiterate, it never would have occurred to me to do that. So simple though. :)

  2. Very cute! I may need to give this a try. Thanks!

  3. Gorgeous wreath! I love the colors and texture. It makes me want to reach through the pictures and touch it!

  4. Super cute! I love it! I found you on Made By You Mondays and am now following you.

