Monday, February 28, 2011

Snacks With a Toddler

Where snacks are served in a measuring cup.

And little feet stand on a stool to reach.

And little hands grab grapes.

 Where tractors are a must.

 And little happy faces are not hard to find.  

Snack time with a toddler means snacks are more fun than ever!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Want to Trade Advertising?

As many of you know, I recently started selling felt ruffle wreaths in my very own Big Cartel online store! 

I just made a blog button to promote the store and would love to trade advertising with other people who have  homemade/home based businesses.

Shoot me an email (sssmomma(at)gmail(dot)com) if you are interested!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Note to Self

Dear Self,
Bring a playground ball with you everywhere you go. This is your son's newest obsession and it turns out that in the anticipation of spring, playground balls are everywhere.

Story time at the library? Balls were there (thought you were safe at the library, yeah right!) causing your kid to have the worlds biggest meltdown when his turn playing with it was over.

The grocery store? Balls there caused a meltdown because you did not buy him one.

Target? Repeat grocery store scene.

Neighbor kids? All the playground balls in the world will not save you from this fit because your kid will undoubtedly want the neighbor kids ball even if it exactly like the one he is holding. Sorry, no help with this one!

So I think you learned your lesson. NEVER leave your house again without being properly equipped to handle ball induced meltdowns.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wordless Wednesday- Growing Boy

2 hot dogs
2 pieces of cheese
cottage cheese
a mini chocolate egg
a handful of animal cracker
    a glass of whole milk
That is what this tall and skinny 18 month boy ate for supper last night!

I think so!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Just Like Daddy

I was at the computer when I heard squeals of delight coming from our family room.

I looked up to see Drake laughing and running in manic circles around Ben.

The laughter grows louder as Ben starts to play catch with Drake.

I sit and watch in silence taking it all in and think about the kind of man I hope Drake grows up to be.

A man with a kind heart and full of encouraging words for his wife.

A man who does not take himself to seriously and knows how to have a good time.

A man who is respectful and appreciative of the women in his life.

A man who works hard and has a love for God.

A man who knows right from wrong and has strong morals and values.

A man who is just like his Daddy.

I watch as Drake tries to throw the ball the way Ben does and they both erupt into fits of laughter.

Before I run off to join them, I smile knowing that my little boy is already just like his Daddy. 

Friday, February 18, 2011

Check Us Out!

We are the photo of the day over at Spearmint Baby. Go check out the cuteness that is Drake and his BFF Skinner.

P.S. I realize I'm obsessed with this photo, but can you blame me?!?

If you love reading Sassy Silly Spunky Momma vote for us! Vote For Us @!

Friday Favorites-Jennie-O Turkey Burgers

I'm on a quest to eat healthier and exercise more so I'm always excited when I find a product that makes that road a little easier (and  tastier) to travel down.

Last night Drake and I were enjoying dinner at my parent's house where my Mom served up turkey burgers. Have you ever had a turkey burger? They are DELICIOUS!! Seriously, they are amazing and only have 170 calories. My Mom cooked them on her George Forman grill giving them the perfect grilled taste. I think they would be even better cooked outside over open flames!

Add a thin bun and a bit of ketchup and you have yourself a health, tasty, and yummy meal.
Jennie-O has no idea that I'm writing this post. Although I wish they did because then maybe they would give me a lifetime supply of turkey burgers. A girl can dream, right?

If you love reading Sassy Silly Spunky Momma vote for us! Vote For Us @!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sassy Silly Spunky Designs

 After having people express interest in my felt ruffle wreaths, I opened up a Big Cartel Store (which is like Etsy) and named it Sassy Silly Spunky Designs (I know, real original name) where I will be selling the wreaths.  I'm selling them for $20.00 and will make them in any color combination you like!

So what are you waiting for? Go check out the new store!

P.S.- Thanks to Stephanie at The Adventures of Goober Grape and Monkey Man for being my first customer!

If you love reading Sassy Silly Spunky Momma vote for us! Vote For Us @!

Home Tour Tuesday-Drake's Room

Drake's room is probably my favorite room in the house. It is cute, inviting, bright, and warm.
Overall it is just the perfect room to grow up in.

 Come on in and take a look!
(Some of the lighting in these pictures is bad. It was dusk so I was getting some weird shadows)
This is looking in from the doorway to his crib and rocking corner.

This is looking in from the other direction to his reading nook and changing dresser.

Drake's closet is filled to the brim with clothes. The closet also holds his bookcase where we keep stuffed animals and toys, his hamper, and extra diapers and wipes.

Funny story- as I was taking the pictures for this post, I could not help but think that his room would look so much better without his ugly bi-fold closet doors. So I took them off! I love how it opens up the closet and makes it look like an inviting place to play. I'm going to get a curtain rod and some curtain panels to finish it up a bit and give it a more polished look. So  thanks to Home Tour Tuesday for inspiring change!

Ben got this wall letter at an antique store right before Drake was born. It was blue and was actually meant to be a "p". We painted it and hung it up upside down to make the perfect "d".

This is my favorite area of the room. I love thinking of all the nights I spent feeding Drake and cuddling and reading and rocking in that chair ( from my parent's old house).

And what about the wall decal? Do you not just love it? I ordered it online from Dali Wall Decals. I think it brings in so much color and fun to the room in an unexpected way. 
Drake has become obsessed with turning his lamp( Target) on and off. He also really likes looking at the picture of the "baby" and carrying it around and kissing himself!

This is probably where Drake spends most of his time playing in his room. I bought the storage cubes and baskets at Target and love that they are not heavy and super easy to move around. We keep all of Drake's upstairs books here as well as some toys. The dalmatian piggy bank used to be mine and now Drake loves to "pet" the doggie! Drake has my old Ipod and always wants to listen to music. His favorite is John Mayer. The small picture is a of me when I was little. We also have a framed picture of Ben when he was a kid but I'm not sure where Drake hid it.

This is Drake's changing area. I just took an old dresser I had and removed the mirror and attached a changing pad to make it our changing area. It works perfectly! I ordered the alphabet wall decal from Dali Decals. Drake loves to stand up on his changing pad and sing the alphabet!

My parents generously bought Drake's crib for us. I really like how it is so simple and does not take up the whole room. I also love that it has a drawer to store all of Drake's sheets and blankets.

This is what the inside of Drake's crib looks like. I originally had matching sheets and a bumper but did not end up using them because I thought the sheets seemed rough and I was not comfortable using a bumper. So when I ran across these super soft chamois sheets at Pottery Barn Kids I knew I had to snatch them up. Drake also sleeps with anywhere from 3-5 pacis, (have not started the paci removal yet) the blanket my mom made for him, a lovie blanket, his pink seahorse, and a Mickey Mouse stuffed animal. He has one full bed!

I had so much fun decorating Drake's nursery that I'm already starting to throw around ideas in my head for his big boy room. I'm thinking a sophisticated sports theme with this quilt as the inspiration.

 Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Miscellany Monday and a Little Crafting Too

{Felt Ruffle Wreath}
When I saw the felt ruffle wreath that Vanessa over at The Crafty Nest had made, I knew I had found my  next craft project!

I had some yellow felt squares left over from Drake's car mat and went to Hobby Lobby and bought a yard of white felt, a foam wreath, and straight pins.

Here is how the whole thing came together-

You start by cutting your felt into circles. I used the lid to a can of fried onions (green bean casserole anyone?) to trace my circles.

 You then fold your piece of felt in half

and then in half again

You then pin the circle to the foam wreath filling in until it is completely covered

Here is a pretty good shot of what it should look like when it is all filled in

Final product

I have it hanging on my front door which is in DESPERATE need of a new paint job

 I love the touch of spring it brings and the pop of color the yellow adds.

{Can I Get a Vote?}
I know everybody and their dog is asking for your vote since Top Baby Blogs reset SO I figured I might as well ask too. If you like Sassy Silly Spunky Momma would you mind voting by clicking on the button below?
Top Baby, Daddy & Mommy Blogs on TopBabyBlogs.Com

Drake learned the word "poop". He says it when he poops or when he sees Skinner pooping outside. But of course his favorite times to say it is when we are grocery shopping or out to eat. He especially loves to shout  it when somebody is looking right at him in public. I guess boys will be boys!

{Leaving HTML to the Experts}
I wanted to change the color of some of the fonts on the blog this weekend. I was going to contact Shannon to help me out, but after snooping around the html coding for a bit I figured out how to do it on my own! I was thinking I was so smart figuring it out all by myself until I saw that I somehow deleted the beautiful font used for my post titles. Looks like I will need some help after all!
ETA:Now it seems to be back to normal. This is why I do not like Blogger. No consistency. Seriously looking to switch to Wordpress soon!

{CSN Stores Giveaway}
I'm giving away a $20 Store Credit to CSN Stores. Click here to enter

I'm participating in:

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters