Sunday, November 7, 2010

Welcoming SITS to My House

After months of waiting, my SITS Day is finally here!

When I got the email on Saturday telling me it was my turn to be the featured blogger, I'm pretty sure my face looked something like this:
Only not nearly as cute.

Anyways, WELCOME! Let me give you the quick story on me:

I met my husband at the Zoo. Now, before you go thinking this might be the cutest "how we met" story you have ever heard, just know that this zoo served beer and had a bouncer at the door. Not quite as cute as the zoo with  lions and elephants, right?

I have been stung by jellyfish 3 separate times. This is very strange since I live in the Midwest and have only been to the ocean a handful of times. I'm taking this as a sign that jellyfish hate my guts.

Drake, my 15 month old son, is always better dressed than me. Don't believe me? See for yourself.

If you want to get to know me even better grab a pop (any other Midwesterners out there who call soda that?) or a glass of wine if you need something a bit stronger and stay awhile. You can read all about the time I walked around a college town with poop all over myself. Or about how I reacted when I found out we were having a boy. You can even educate yourself on Counting Kicks when you are expecting.

Drake and I want to thank you for stopping by our "house" for a visit. We hope to see you again soon!
If you are not already a member, head over to The Secret is in the Sauce to sign up. Once you are a member, get ready to be amazed by the support you will receive from the over 7,000 members who believe the secret to success in blogging is supporting through commenting and sharing ideas. I'm sure glad I found them!


  1. Congratulations on your SITS Day! This is such a cute blog. Well done!

  2. Was so excited for you when I went over to SITS and saw it is your day! Enjoy!

  3. Congrats on your SITS day!
    I love the photo of you and your little boy at the window!
    The counting kicks post was awesome!

  4. Have a great SITS day!

  5. Happy SITS Day!!! Congrats. I am off to look around a minute before heading out to work. Hope you enjoy your day!!

  6. Congratulations SITS'a! Your poop walk story is one for the books for sure. And may I say kudos to you as a mom to being able to share clothes with your college age sister. Nice!
    On a serious note, a college friend of mine lost her baby in her final trimester and a still birth. I don't know the specifics of the cause, but reading your count the kicks information certainly made me think of her. Truly tragic.
    Drake is adorable and I think it's great that you take an interest in sharing this information.

    Enjoy your day in the spotlight!

  7. Congrats on your sits day! Your little boy is so cute, love your pictures. I loved your post on finding out he was a boy. Those are such special moments in life, thanks for sharing them with us.

  8. Congrats on your sits day! Your blog looks really interesting!

  9. Hi! Heading over from SITS! Beautiful blog!!

  10. HELLO!!!! Visiting from SITS (just joined this weekend!) and SO happy to meet you!

    Have a great week!

  11. wonderwomanwannabe.comNovember 8, 2010 at 5:47 AM

    Happy SITS day!

    I grew up in the midwest (iowa) then moved away for quite a while - we just found our way back this past summer and are now in minneapolis, yes, it's strange to hear the 'pop' again! :)

    Enjoy your day - I look forward to pok'n' around your place. LOVE your tag line, what a great goal!


  12. Happy SITS Day^^


  13. Happy SITS day from a fellow Midwesterner:) I have two boys. Didn't know what the first would be before he was born. With the second, we found out. A certain body part was so clearly visible between his little spread legs on the ultrasound picture that even my mother-in-law, who was hoping for a redheaded girl, had to concede "I guess I have to stop calling her Charlotte." (MIL's favorite name, not mine.)

  14. Congratulations on your special day. I hope it's everything you hoped for.

    Off to explore your world.

  15. Happy SITS Day! I couldn't help but notice that your son was wearing a Hawkeye jersey. We are huge Hawkeye fans here (we live in Iowa). I'm so pumped that I have found another one through SITS! Have a great day!

  16. You have such a cute blog! And yes... Pop!! I am a yankee who has moved South and No One says pop here!

    Hope you have a great day! Happy SITS Day!

  17. Congrats on your SITSday! Your blog is so cute!

  18. Woot! Go you! And I LOVE your new design! The header rocks! Enjoy your day, lady!

  19. Alana, Author of Domestically ChallengedNovember 8, 2010 at 6:00 AM

    Happy SITS day! Enjoy your special day! :)

  20. Happy SITS Day! Off to check out some more sassy momma!

  21. Happy SITS day!

    My son is always better dressed than me. I'll buy him a $30 shirt that he'll grow out of in a month, but I won't even consider a shirt for myself that costs more than $10 at Target or $5 at Ross even if I will wear it for the next 10 years (or until it falls apart in the washing machine...)

  22. Congrats on your SITS day. Adorable blog. And boy :) Ah, mine are teenagers now -- hug him close. My 13 year old daughter is 5'7" and my 15 year old son is 5'11", they only hug me when no one is looking!

  23. Congratulations on your SITs feature! I hope you enjoy your day in the sun:-)

  24. Happy SITS Day! Enjoy! Your little boy is so adorable. I know exactly what you mean about your child dressing better than yourself. Sigh.

  25. Happy SITS Day! You've won a new follower...

  26. Congratulations!! I am going to go read about your poop story, and learn about counting kicks right now.

  27. Karen@StrictlySimpleStyleNovember 8, 2010 at 6:40 AM

    I love chimpanzees, my husband loves beer, it's surprising that we didn't meet at a zoo! LOL, that is a funny "how we met" story.

    Enjoy your SITS day.

  28. Congratulations on your SITS day! Your blog is adorable! Can't wait to read more!

  29. Happy SITS DAY!

  30. Congrats on your SITS Day! I love that you are raising awareness for Counting Kicks. I have a good friend who lost her son late-term. Not a true knot, but the cord wrapped around his neck. Every woman needs to be aware of this campaign.

  31. Congratulations on your day to Shine with SITS.
    Your son is adorable. Enjoy your day!

  32. Betty Manousos @ CUT AND DRYNovember 8, 2010 at 6:59 AM

    Congrats on your SITS DAY!
    Your son is soooo cute!

    Great blog! Off to poke around.
    Enjoy your special day!
    B x

  33. Congratulations on your SITS exciting, thrilling, silly and sassy!! hehe

    You site looks really cute and your boy is adorable. My sister told me when she found out she was having a boy that "it's supposed to be a girl, I don't know how to be a mom to a boy" but she figured it out pretty good and he's about to get his driver's license. Eeeks!!

  34. Happy SITS day to you. And I might have to agree with you on the jellyfish. I live near the Florida coast and I have yet to be stung, having visited beaches my whole life. Either that or maybe they're just attracted to you. ;)

  35. Happy SITS day! Beautiful son, you are very lucky. I wish I could start all over...I enjoyed it that much. My boys are the "seasoning" of my life and without them my life would be bland.

  36. Krysten @ After 'I Do'November 8, 2010 at 7:43 AM

    Dropping by from SITS! Hope you have a wonderful day!

  37. Happy SITS day! Your son is adorable! I love his little "man" clothes!

  38. Congrats on your day! What a great way to start off a Monday. ;-) Now....I've got to read about this poopy college town trot!!

  39. Jellyfish scare the beejezus out of me! If it happened once, I'd never go in the water again. And I live on the ocean!! You're brave AND funny! Happy SITS day!!

  40. Happy SITS day! Poop stories are the best!

  41. Congrats mama!

  42. Happy SITS day from one Katie to another!!

  43. Happy SITS day! I love your introduction post. I had to laugh at the part about your son being better dressed than you. I have that same problem. Also, I grew up calling pop pop. Then I moved to Utah and was teased every time I said it until I got used to calling it soda. Now it sounds weird to call it pop. :) Anyway, enjoy your day!

  44. congrats on your sits day... I love your idea of spending 500.00 for a deep cleaning of your house... and hangin with the girls... good pick... Hope to visit again.. I am your newest follower.

  45. He is just plain ADORABLE!! Congratulations on your SITS Day!

  46. Mommy Needs a VacationNovember 8, 2010 at 8:27 AM

    Happy SITS Day! Drake is SO cute!! My kids are always dressed better than me as well. So annoying. I have actually vowed to spice up my own wardrobe this winter season!! Enjoy your special day!

  47. Happy SITS day! I think all kids are better dressed than their momma's. It's like they are live dress up dolls for us. I guess a part of us never grows up either. ;)

  48. Happy SITS day! I love the picture of you and your son at the window. Too cute!

  49. congrats on your sits day!

  50. Hopping in from SITS!!! I have to tell you that your Poop Walk story was the best! I've had similar experiences and MAN there is just nothing like realizing there is poop EVERYWHERE and you forgot to bring a change of clothes.

    I also have a 15mo old son (and two other children). Boys are so much fun!

  51. your son is adorable! i'm glad you could laugh at the poopy blowout, cuz i know i probably would have cried. happy SITS day!

  52. Happy SITS day!!!

  53. Happy SITS day!! I'm going to have to read about the poop, too. Why must I torture myself this way?!?! ;)

  54. Irresistible♥IcingNovember 8, 2010 at 9:43 AM

    Congrats on your SITS day!

  55. Happy SITS day! Funny, my last post was mostly about poop too. :) Oh yeah, and goats. But not the kind you're thinking!

  56. All these poopy posts make me glad my kids are grown. :-)

  57. Happy SITS day! Now following:)

  58. Happy SITS Day! Congrats! Your son is too adorable. :)

  59. Such a cute SITS featured blogger post--- short and sweet but with lots of personality!
    Melissa {from}

  60. Happy SITS Day! I grew up in Edmonton where pop was soda, and a "soda" was with ice cream.

  61. Happy SITS Day! Your son is so cute!

  62. Elizabeth @ My Life, Such as it is...November 8, 2010 at 12:05 PM

    Happy SITS Day! my son was always better dressed than me until he started picking out his own clothing. Still nicer clothes but now horribly mis-matched!

  63. Congrats! We used to call soda "pop" too.


  64. Gah, I have missed you! Well, ok, I've still been reading, but commenting has taken a back seat.

    Anyway, just wanted to be sure and tell you congrats on your SITS day! Love and stuff to you, mama!

  65. Congrats! I hope you enjoy this special day.

  66. Stopping by from SITS to say Hi! Hope that you have a fabulous SITS day! x

  67. I know I said hey on facebook, but I wanted to stop by here as well. Congrats, Katie!! That was a great "SITS" post too. I have mine ready to go... just waiting for that e-mail :)

    Baaaa's in the house!

  68. Happy SITS Day!!!

    Yeah. Love that you randomly threw in something about being stung by jelly fish. lol

    Drake is SO dressed lil' man! And you are beautiful with an infectious smile!

    Excited to follow your blog!

  69. Your little man is a cutie-pie and I love the name Drake. I have also had the poop walk experience, but it's been a while. Happy SITS day.

  70. Cute blog! It was fun learning a little about you! :)

  71. Happy SITS day! I'll have the wine. :-)

  72. My kids are better dressed than me, too. Happy SITS day!!! Y'all are SO cute.

  73. Happy SITS Day to you!!

    Both of my kids dress better than me too.

  74. hahaha katie! you are so funny. i like your intro and the picture that came with it. haha... im sure going to be back at your blog often! =p

    happy SITS day!

  75. Hope you are enjoying your special day. And by the way … I'm a Trader Joe's fan, too - great and unique stuff, that you definitely can't get in a "normal" grocery store.

  76. Have a great SiTs day! I read your interview on the SiTs page and if you get that $500 I so hope you share the deep house cleaning with me. I really understand how rewarding that can feel to the point where Ive scheduled some friends and a cleaning party (those poor poor friends).


  77. Happy SITS day! Yippee!

    So, just how does a midwesterner get stung by a jelly fish?

  78. Great post! I agree, how does a Midwesterner get stung by a jelly fish, multiple times? I need to go read that post! :) Oh, and growing up in the midwest myself, I'm all about the pop! Have a great SITS day!

  79. I enjoyed reading your Intro...congrats on being featured!!! Happy SITS!!!

  80. Greetings, Fellow Katie! Congrats on your SITS day. Your blog is absolutely charming, and little Drake -- what a cutie and what a great name!

  81. Its all been said. But let me add one more... CUTE BLOG! (love the design) CUTE KID (love his outfits) and of course HAPPI SITS DAY... all the way from Auckland, New ZEaland :)

  82. Happy SITS Day! I love your stories, very cute blog!

  83. Happy SITS day!!! I love that first picture!!!

  84. Congratulations! Hope you enjoyed your SITS Day! :)

  85. Congratulations on your SITS day!

  86. Happy SITS Feature Day! Your son is too cute! Mine is usually better dressed than me too, how do we let that happen?

  87. Sorta Southern Single MomNovember 9, 2010 at 3:36 AM

    Congrats on your SITS Day! I love the look and feel of your blog... I'll be back!

  88. Happy SITS day!! My kids are sadly better dressed than me too:(

  89. Happy SITS Day! Your son is super cute and very stylish :) You have a great blog, can't wait to check out more.

  90. Congrats on your SITS day! Your lil' man is such a doll!

  91. congratulations on your SITS day! so glad to have found you - i'm a new follower :)

    and i know what you mean about dressing your kid better than you dress yourself - i've got 3 kids that range in age from 17 to 2 1/2. when they're about 4 or 5 you'll start putting a little more thought into your own wardrobe again!

  92. Happy Sits day...part 2. Your little guy is super cute and you are so right about them dressing better than us. I have a 20 month old and 1 more on the way! It's the blue life I Off to read more :)

  93. Congrats on the SITS post. Your little boy is gorgeous. If he's anything like mine he'll lose is dress sense around about the time he hits his teenage years. By the way jelly fish stings are bad but a man from the Caribbean told me urine stops them hurting :)

  94. Okay, your boy is too cute! How fun! Off to read some of your posts!

  95. Happy SITS Day!!! My children are always better dressed than I am. Your little boy is so cute!

  96. Grats on your SITS day :)

  97. Drake is so well dressed, what a cutie and I love his name!

  98. Happy SITS day! You have a great blog and a new follower. lmbo "But I just had a baby". I've been using that and "but I'm pregnant" for the last 4 years. Time for a new excuse lol

  99. Yay! Happy SITS Day! :D

  100. Congrats on your SITS day! Love your blog design!

  101. Congratulations on your SITS day!!!

  102. Congrats on your SITS day!! Isn't it funny how our kids are always better dressed than us??
    @Creative Kristi

  103. Congratulations on your SITS Day! Your little guy is ADORABLE.

  104. You are so cute up there in the window, and yeah, your little dude is stylin'. I'm so glad it was your special SITS day!

  105. Happy SITS day! Your little guy is just adorable!

  106. Happy SITS day! I nearly snorted coffee on my computer reading about the poop walk. ;o)

  107. Christy, Home-Mom.comNovember 9, 2010 at 2:42 PM

    congrats on your day, hope you enjoyed it!

  108. happy sitsday!

  109. Happy SITS Day! I'm so glad to discover your blog...LOVE IT!

  110. Katie, congratulations on your SITS day! I'm glad the gals kept your feature going for a second day. Yesterday things over at the SITS site were totally wonky!

    Indeed, your son is a snappy dresser. What did you ever do to incite the hostilities of the jellyfish nation?

    I'm looking forward to reading your posts.

    Best, Jenn

  111. Congrats my SITS Baaa Tribe compadre! BTW- you met at the "ZOO" and you live in the chance, do you like in SD?? I went to NSU in Aberdeen, and we frequented the "Zoo" and the "Library" if you want me to be honest. Neither offering what there namesake would suggest!!

    Congrats nonetheless on your day!!! Can we get a Baaa Tribe "woop woop"!!! That's our girl!!!

  112. Congrats on your SITS day. Love the advocacy piece to your blog - very helpful for moms-to-be. I also have a 15 month old - such a great age!

  113. I fear I agree with you - it does seem you're the victim of a vast jellyfish conspiracy. I've been stung once myself, but having gone to the beach at least once a year my whole life I feel as though I'm doing well.

    Congrats on your SITS day!

  114. Happy SITS day to you! Sorry I never made it by yesterday. Off to check out some more of your blog!

  115. Happy SITS Day! What a cutie you have! I think my kids are always better dressed than I am too!

    Spotted Smiles

  116. I am a new follower. Congrats on your SITS Post! Your blog is adorable and I am looking forward to reading more.

  117. Happy SITS day. You're blog is awesome!

  118. Congrats on your SITS day!!! Adorable little boy,

  119. Laura @ The Things I Said I'd Never DoNovember 10, 2010 at 6:27 AM

    Happy belated SITS day! I am so glad you are highlighting the importance of counting kicks. Hopefully a baby's life is saved from your encouragement!

  120. Happy SITS day, lovely lady! Sorry I'm late--but I can't wait to glance around a bit. What a cute blog you have here, and your son is absolutely adorable.

    Hope you enjoyed your day in the spotlight (PS: I had the same reaction when I was told I would be featured last week. Only my face wasn't that cute either). :)

  121. Congrats on your SITS day, sorry I'm a day late! I love all three of your descriptive words so I know I will love you. Can't wait to look around your blog. : )

  122. I will definitely go get a pop!! :) Happy SITS day! Beautiful family!

  123. You weren't kidding. He is one well dressed little boy. What a cutie!

    I'm way late, but I hope you enjoyed your day in the SITS spotlight.

  124. Stopping by to say Congratulations on your special SITS Day! Thank you for sharing your terrific blog with us.
    I've been away for a while (3 weeks) and finally playing catch up... Have a great week ahead!
