Monday, November 15, 2010

The Day My Finger Burned Off

 OK, so my finger might not have burned off, but it might as well have.

The day started out innocently enough, some pumpkin bread for breakfast, a trip to Bass Pro Shop to see the Christmas Village,  an impromptu Santa visit (where Drake wore an expression of true surprise the whole visit) and what promised to be a fun afternoon of Christmas crafting with my sister.

This is where the day takes a turn for the worse. As I was hot gluing ornaments onto a Styrofoam wreath, I misplaced an ornament, and without giving it a second thought, grabbed it to reposition it. Since I obviously forgot that I  had  just used 380 degree hot glue to adhere the ornament, I grabbed it right in the middle of a huge pile of scalding hot glue. I said lots of $%#^ and #%#$@ and took the 3 steps to the kitchen sink where I ran my finger under hot water to find a blister had already started to form.

But don't worry I did not let that throbbing, burning, mass of pain little thing get me down. I did what any good crafter would do and kept on going.

My perseverance was rewarded with this:

And a thumb that is out of commission from texting for the foreseeable future.

No pain, no gain



  1. despite the injury, the wreath turned out awesome!

  2. ouch!!! omg that is bad! hope it heals correctly!

  3. Oh my!!! Hot glue is horrible to work with...I always burn myself! When I was teaching I would get burned all the time and the worst part, I couldn't scream or shout a wordy dirty since the kiddos were always around! That wreath looks fantastic though!

  4. Whoa, that thing's BIG. Did it pop?

  5. I can't believe how big that blister is! I also can't believe you fought through it after the burn.

  6. Hi there, just stopping by from Webbisodes!!! I love the new blog design, I am also in the process of working with Shannon on a new design. Yours is adorable, I can not wait for my blog make over!!!

  7. Wow! That is some burn! The wreath looks great though. Stopping by from SITS - congratulations on your SITS day, even if I am late to the party.
