Monday, November 22, 2010

I am Thankful For These Moments

This is the week where blogs will be buzzing with Thankful post listing all the things they are thankful for. Many lists will surely include family, friends, health, a home, and food on the table.

While I'm so thankful for all the things mentioned above, I'm even more thankful for these moments I am living right now.

You know the moments I'm talking about; the small everyday moments spent chasing a toddler up the stairs for the millionth time that day or the rare quiet snuggles that last just seconds or when Drake reaches up to me with those big blue eyes and says "Momma" or watching my husband be Daddy  or the patience Skinner shows as Drake climbs over him or the look of pure joy on my son's face as he dances in the light of the Christmas tree.

These are the moments that make me rich in a way that no amount of money, no car, no house, no material thing ever could.

These moments are what I will hold in my heart forever.

And for that I'm Thankful


  1. Awww.... yes... sniff.

  2. Beautiful boy, beautiful sentiments. :)

  3. Very sweet, Katie! Well said, my friend...well said! Happy Turkey Day to you and your family!
