Friday, November 5, 2010

Friday Favorites

To kick off some new and exciting things here at SSS Momma, I'm starting a new weekly feature called Friday Favorites, where I plan on sharing some of my favorite things. I'm thinking about making it a link-up so other people who want to participate can. If any of you interested in participating in Friday Favorites let me know.

My very first Friday Favorite is Trader Joe's

For those of you who are unfamiliar, Trader Joe's is a small grocery store that carries high quality and organic food for a very reasonable price. So basically, coolest place ever!!

Iowa's very first Trader Joe's just opened up today and being the crazy woman that I am, I braved the crowds with my husband and Drake to check it out. Did I mention that we stood in line for over a half hour to check out? Yep, told you I was crazy!

Today was not my first visit to a Trader Joe's. I've been to TJ's in Minnesota, Illinois, and Arizona and have always been super impressed with their selection of yummy foods for such a reasonable price. They seriously have the most amazing buttermilk pancake mix that I have ever had. I'm also obsessed with their pre-made pizza dough (freezes very well) and store brand pizza sauce.

Of course, the best thing about Trader Joe's is the Charles Shaw wine (aka 2 Buck Chuck) for $2.99...and better yet, it is GOOD wine. I mean seriously, you can buy a case of 2 Buck Chuck for $36.00!! I realize my enthusiastic love for cheap wine makes me sound like a lush, but don't knock it till you try it!

Today we decided to try a few new items and picked up chocolate cat cookies for humans, (think chocolate animal crackers) olive hummus, and Trader Joe's Mexican beer (like Corona). I'm excited to test our new items out and add some new favorites to our list.

Do you have a Trader Joe's around you?

What are you favorite items? Please share!


  1. Love the idea for a weekly feature! Need a button? Let me know and I'll get that added! Also haven't been to a Trader Joe's but yours is not the first blog that's mentioned how wonderful it is!

  2. We love Trader Joe's too. The prices are wonderful.

  3. I OBVIOUSLY need my pleather pants to get by. Who doesn't? ;-)

  4. Twitter, @skurp. Check.

  5. Facebook liked!

    kurpels (at) gmail (dot) come in case you need it!

