Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wordless Wednesday-Where is Drake?!?

You might be wondering where the pictures of Drake have been lately.

Well, my wild boy has decided that he does not want to sit still for a single picture. Even my super fast DLSR can't keep up with him.

So here is what Drake has been up to (hope you don't mind not seeing his face) the past few weeks:

Hopefully we can return to regularly scheduled programing full of pictures on the blog soon. Little man just needs to decide to corporate!

A special thanks to A Beautiful Mess, Parenting by Dummies, and 5 Minutes For Mom for hosting WW.


  1. My little guy is hard to photograph as well. Much more important things to do than pose.

  2. He really is a man of action lately, isn't he?

    I missed you while I was gone!

  3. He is one busy little boy!

  4. This is soooo funny!!

  5. So restless:)

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