Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Drake Gives Back-The Donation

On Friday Drake Gives Back really did give back! We packed up all the donations and headed to Blank Children's Hospital to drop everything off.
Check out all that loot!!

 Drake and I with a representative from the hospital dropping off our donations

Here are some things I learned in the process:
1. Ask
People and companies want to help but you have to ask for their help. The worst that is going to happen is that they will say no, but even then you have at least made a contact in the company.

2. Have a specific goal in mind
When I approached the different companies for donations, I knew exactly what I was planning on doing with them and had a pitch all written out and ready to go. Companies feel much more comfortable donating when they know where it going.

3. Give something in return
In my case it was writing up a short piece about each company that donated. I also included links to their Facebook pages, twitter links, and links to products and websites. I was upfront about this from the beginning and think it helped a lot in getting donations.

4. Dream big but set realistic goals
I would have loved to have 300 donations but knew that was not a realistic goal in the the time frame I was working with. I have big dreams that Drake Gives Back will grow into something huge someday but also know that I have to start somewhere. 

I could not have been happier with the outcome of Drake Gives Back. I'm already starting to brainstorm ideas to make Drake Gives Back bigger and better next year. Until then, I hope that Drake and I were able to make some kids very happy with our donations.

 Thank you to all my sponsors and donors! 

Special thanks to my friend Tracy for donating the Puppy Playdough set and Chutes and Ladders Game. The Tonka Trucks are from Drake.


  1. Yay! Great job you guys!! I think Drake Gives Back was a HUGE success!!!!

  2. Drake gives back was such an awesome idea and I think it's so cool that you're brave enough to do something so great. It looks like you got some awesome donations! It's been fun to follow! Can't wait to see what next year brings. Way to go Drake!

  3. wow, a whole basketful! that's so great!

  4. AWESOME!!!!
    Shoot....I didn't even think to donate something from Laila. Next year I will be sure and get on that! :) Way to go, Katie! You rock!

  5. so cool!!! the kids and i are getting ready to volunteer monthly at the childrens hospital that my youngets spent most of his 2nd year of life in. we're excited!!

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