Friday, September 3, 2010

My Reality

You know how sometimes it seems a piece of writing was written just for you?

Like somebody crawled inside your head and saw what you were thinking and then wrote something that seemed to be written just for you?

That happened to me on Tuesday.

I was making my usual blog rounds when I stopped over at Heir to Blair and read this post. I was in a funk that morning about some things in my life and reading what Blair wrote really put things into perspective for me. We tend so often to dwell on what we wish we could have or always want more of something that we aren't really living what our reality is. After reading the post I make a promise to myself that I was going to start embracing and living my reality immediately.

Little did I know that  later that day accepting my reality would take on a whole new meaning.

Tuesday night, while I was feeding Drake dinner, our world as we currently knew it changed in an instant. My husband came home from work and told me that he had been laid off.


My reality changed all in a matter of seconds.

My reality now is that I'm faced with having to go back to work full-time. My reality now is that we are those people that nobody wants to be. My reality now is what I never thought would happen to us happened.

This is now my reality

But my reality is also having a husband who is working like crazy to find a new job and little boy who still can make us laugh and smile. My reality is knowing I have friends who really care and want to help in any way they can. My reality is knowing our families are here for whatever we need.

I have Ben and Drake and Skinner. I have awesome friends. We have great families. We have prayers that we know will be answered.  We are healthy. We have a house over our head and food on the table. We are truly blessed in every sense of the word.

This is also my reality.

And you know what?

From where I'm sitting, I think my new reality is going to turn out just fine.


  1. I need to remember this- to keep things in perspective more.

  2. It's going to be ok and may lead to something much better! I hope so!!!

    In the meantime, big hugs!!!

    PS. I got your email and I need to email you back about that. I haven't forgotten, I promise.

  3. You are amazing. Seriously, I'd be freaking my freak & you sound so cool. It will work out!!

  4. Oh no! I am so sorry. I know all to well how horrible that can be. I was laid off twice in 4 years. It sucked. I cried. I moved on... and everything was better after the fact, but I won't lie, at first I was really freaked out and sad/angry/scared. Good luck! You have a great attitude!

  5. Oh, Katie! I'm so, so sorry! I got chills. That had to be a hard pill to swallow when he told you that. Good luck to him finding a job quickly!

  6. I was so shocked to hear this, I can't even imagine how shocking it was for you! It could happen to any of us at any time. If I could help out with something, please let me know. -Kimberly

  7. [...] he had been laid off. The news made my heart pound with panic as I was taken back to the day not even a year ago when he was laid off. Unfortunately, this time I do not have the luxury of ignorance, I know just [...]
