Sunday, October 28, 2012

Weekend Wrap

  • We spent yesterday afternoon at Night Eyes, a Halloween event put on by the Blank Park Zoo. It was a little to chilly to put Charlie in his costume but he looked cute as could be anyways. Drake on the other hand, threw his Spiderman costume on and never looked back. He was so in character the whole time we were there, even going as far as to shoot webs at any other Superhero he saw. What a fun and memorable day we had!

  • Charlie is crawling. And getting better and faster every single day. Life has officially gotten crazy around our house. Please send somebody to baby-proof my house and have them bring a bottle of wine.

  •  Drake goes to Sunday School every week but he calls it "Someday School". I love that so very much!

  • Charlie was crying and I was trying to calm him down and Drake came over looked right at Charlie and said "It's OK Charlie, God it with you." Looks like he is paying attention in "Someday School."

I am loving 3 years and 7 months. Both boy are so fun and entertaining and just plain terrific. Love it.

Hope you all had a great weekend.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Boy Love

So in love. How did I get so lucky to have all 3 of these boys in my life?

Monday, October 22, 2012

Charlie at 7 Months

Here is what Charlie is up to at 7 months-

  • Loves to growl. This pretty much is the funniest and best thing all rolled into one.

  • Still gets up 1 time a night to eat. I want him to sleep through the night, but yet I am OK with the way things are. I love the middle of the night snuggles.

  • He eats four 6 oz. bottles a day with an 8 oz bottle right before bed. He usually eats cereal/baby food 2-3 times a day.

  • He is ALMOST crawling. I'm not ready for this yet, but I don't think he cares.

  • Charlie loves his big brother. Watching their relationship grow is just such a treat.

  • Mr. Charlie is a huge flirt. He has a smile and a giggle for every person he meets

  • He has outgrown almost all his 6 months clothes and is wearing mostly 9 month stuff.

  • His has really started "talking" a lot. Love his little voice.

  • He only really likes a paci when he is going to sleep. Otherwise he could take it or leave it.

Holy cow, this kid makes me so so happy.

Love you Biggie!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Christmas Card Time {Shutterfly Giveaway}

 Is it just me or did Christmas just really sneak up on us this year?  I can't believe that it is already time to start making Christmas lists, think about what cookies to bake, dig out the Christmas decorations and design our Christmas card.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Straight From My Mouth

"Good Morning Charlie!"

" Good Morning Drake!"

"What do you want for breakfast?"

"Please don't jump off that chair."

"You are the cutest baby ever."

"I love you."


" Please don't jump on your bed."

" No, you can't buy any Superheros today."

" Good job with your scissors."

"Remember to only use scissors on paper Momma gives you."

"It's ok Charlie"

"Drake, Charlie did not hit you on purpose."

"You are a good boy."

"I love you"

" Let's go to the zoo!"

"Look both ways before you cross the street. "

"Are you hungry Charlie?"

"You need to listen to Momma."

"What show do you want to watch?"

"I love you too."

"No, I love YOU more!"

[caption id="attachment_1506" align="aligncenter" width="393"] "What did you say Momma?"[/caption]

Monday, October 8, 2012

A Little of This, A Little of That

  • My weight loss journey is slowly chugging along. I am down 16 lbs and getting so close to posting my 20 lb lost picture.

  • Drake calls Sunday School "Someday School". Might be the cutest thing I've ever heard.

  • Speaking of "Someday School", we told Drake that he is not allowed to talk about Superheros there (he is obsessed and is all he wants to talk about, play, etc.). His response? "But Jesus is a Superhero!!" Hard to argue with that...

  • Thinking it is time to start trying to get Charlie into a better sleep routine. He has been sleeping from 7:00-11:30 then wanting to eat and then getting up again around 4:30 wanting to eat again or snuggle. I am tired.

  • I am loving this fall weather we have been having. Perfect for boots, and leggings, and sweaters, pumpkin spice lattes, and chili.

  • Ben and I have started having at home date nights about once a week. We wait until the kids go to bed to eat and spend the time chatting and catching up on our favorite fall TV shows.  It is a relaxing and fun  way to spend time together without spending money.

  • We have owned our minivan for about 5 months now and I still feel funny driving it. I don't even really know how to explain it, except for the fact that it makes me feel so grown up.  I also love listening to loud rap music when I am all alone and driving home from work and it just feels super awkward to jam out to it in the mini. I guess I had to grow up sometime :)

Have a great week!

P.S.- Enter here to win tickets to see Phineas and Ferb Live

Phineas and Ferb Ticket Giveaway!

GIVEAWAY CLOSED. Mama Sandy is the winner (determined by

Disney’s Phineas and Ferb: The Best LIVE Tour Ever!

is coming to Wells Fargo Arena on October 20!!!


Friday, October 5, 2012


This photo makes my heart so full and happy.

Two Brothers.


This is the picture I had in my head since the day I found out Drake would have a baby brother.

There is something pretty cool about a picture in my mind becoming a real life moment.

I know there will be many fights ahead over toys.

I know the picture will not always look this great.

But for is perfect.

A Night at the Circus

 You see that face right there? That is the face of a kid who is excited out of his mind to be at the circus. He had a great time-and quite honestly, I did too!

Monday, October 1, 2012

The Family I Never Imagined

When I was growing up I used to imagine what my future family would look like I wondered if I would have all girls like my mom did and what my husband would look like and what my kids names would be.  Even though I probably had a million day dreams about what my family would look like, I never dreamt it as good as it really is. My husband is more handsome and kind and funnier than I ever imagined. And don't even get me started on my 2 boys. For some reason in my dreams my kids were girls, having only sisters, I knew very little about boys or brothers. But you know what? God knew I needed boys. He knew I need the challenge of a baby with awful reflux to give me patience I never knew I had. He knew  I needed the reward of a snuggle from  a toddler who is usually on the go all the time. He knew that Drake needed a brother and that I needed another son. He knew that superheros and cars and legos would be the toys that scattered our floor. He knew the littlest smile from Charlie would melt my heart. He knew Drake telling me I was his best friend would make me tear up. He knew. How amazing is it that out of the million families I pictured for myself that he gave me one better than I could have imagined? I am blessed. Feeling lots of gratitude for the family I never imagined.