Monday, October 22, 2012

Charlie at 7 Months

Here is what Charlie is up to at 7 months-

  • Loves to growl. This pretty much is the funniest and best thing all rolled into one.

  • Still gets up 1 time a night to eat. I want him to sleep through the night, but yet I am OK with the way things are. I love the middle of the night snuggles.

  • He eats four 6 oz. bottles a day with an 8 oz bottle right before bed. He usually eats cereal/baby food 2-3 times a day.

  • He is ALMOST crawling. I'm not ready for this yet, but I don't think he cares.

  • Charlie loves his big brother. Watching their relationship grow is just such a treat.

  • Mr. Charlie is a huge flirt. He has a smile and a giggle for every person he meets

  • He has outgrown almost all his 6 months clothes and is wearing mostly 9 month stuff.

  • His has really started "talking" a lot. Love his little voice.

  • He only really likes a paci when he is going to sleep. Otherwise he could take it or leave it.

Holy cow, this kid makes me so so happy.

Love you Biggie!

1 comment:

  1. That happened pretty fast! He's so cute, like his brother. :)
