Monday, February 6, 2012

Where to Begin

Hello there blog friends, it has been awhile. Sorry for the lack post lately. I don't even have a good excuse except for the fact that I've been a bit lazy lately.

Anyways, here is a quick rundown of what is going on with us.

  • I"m almost 33 weeks. I reached the point last night where all nervousness of having a 2nd baby has been erased because I'm thinking it is going to be so much better to have an outside baby (when the time is right) than suffer anymore of these increasingly annoying, uncomfortable, and down right miserable pregnancy symptoms.  I will update more on the pregnancy in a post this week.

  • I joined the world of iPhone users. I'm in love. What are your favorite apps?

  • Drake has been coming up with some pretty witty things to say lately. One of my favorites being a conversation we had in the car on the way to Target. It went something like this:

Me-Drake put your hat on.


Me- You have to put your hat on before we get to Target, it is really cold out.

Drake-No, it's my head.

Yes, he truly is my son as this is so something I would say.

  • Ben and I have had TWO nights out in the past week.  And both time Drakes stayed overnight with one of the sets of Grandparents. It has been refreshing and much-needed.  Here is a little proof that we actually went out.

  • I threw a surprise 30th Birthday Party for Ben 2 weeks ago. It was awesome, he was surprised, and I forgot to take pictures :(

  • Be looking out for pictures of Drake with a new haircut. I finally bit the bullet and took my shaggy little guy for a cut (his sideburns were starting to curl up) he hated it, but looks so much better! He also looks like he is four now!

So those are the highlights of the past couple of weeks. I will be back later this week with a pregnancy update, pictures of Drake and maybe even a heartfelt blog post.



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