Wednesday, February 29, 2012

36 Weeks

Tomorrow I will be 36 weeks pregnant...holy smokes!!

Apparently my belly decided to double in size this pregnancy, this is also very apparent by all the stretch marks on my tummy this time around.

Here is a little update-

  • Besides the whole heartburn and my body feeling like a whale thing, I'm not feeling too bad.

  • I am running out of clothes to wear, so I pretty much rotate the same few things. I refuse to buy anything new at this point.

  • We officially have everything ready for the little guy. His room is done, bottles are washed, hospital bag is packed and I think anything in my house that could be cleaned has been!

  • I'm getting really anxious to meet Little Brother. I often find myself daydreaming about what he will look like and what kind of personality he will have.

  • Drake has been talking about the baby more, but still is not that interested in most baby related things.

  • I would love for him to cook about another week, so I will be taking it easy for the next 7 days, but after that all bets are off! Wave at me if you see me running around the block!

I will be back later this week with some pictures of the new flooring we had installed this week in our front room and kitchen. It is amazing what new floors can do for a place!


1 comment:

  1. So much fun! Enjoy these last days as a family of 3! I can't wait for the news! Playdate at my house after baby arrives!
