Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My First Vacation:By Drake

I went on my first mini vacation last weekend to this huge city called Chicago. I think I love these vacations things because Momma and Daddy let me eat real food like deep dish pizza crust, stay up late, and even bought me new shoes while we were there. 

My Momma took a million pictures of me in my swim trunks. They kept smiling and laughing at me so I humored them and played along.
Then they took me to this huge bath tub. I liked to put my head under water and loved splashing!!
How would you like it if somebody kept taking pictures of you after you were all tired from swimming and just wanted to nap?!? That is what I thought!
Daddy finally gave in and took a nap with me.
I LOVE riding in my stroller, but Momma was blocking my view of all the sites by taking yet another picture!

Oh, yeah I also started crawling the night before we really crawling...really fast.

Momma seemed to not like me crawling around the hotel floor and kept saying things like "gross" and "germs". Momma then thought she could contain me on a blanket with my toys. Yeah right Momma!! I don't even like my toys I would rather play with cords, and shoes and open and close drawers. Then to top it off she was always coming after my hands with a baby wipe. She needs to relax!

Daddy and I also think Momma might be crazy. She bought me an outfit for my first birthday. I wonder if she forgot that I’m only 7 months old? She said it was just "perfect" and I had to have it! Daddy says I better get used to it because she really likes to plan ahead.

I think they will probably take me someplace again soon since I was pretty much amazing in the car and Momma and Daddy kept saying how good I was being. I kept them happy by sleeping, playing with my toys, looking in my mirror and sucking on my paci.

So Momma, where to now?



  1. You always dress him so well - SWEET TRUNKS DUDE! ;P ...& what a precious photo of he & B...

    GLAD you had FUN!

  2. haha! love this!

    it looks like an awesome time was had by all! and there really is nothing better than deep dish pizza. :)
