Thursday, March 25, 2010

Target Detox

I am in the process of going through a Target detox. It is necessary, but hard. Below is the story that has caused me to take this step!

                                                     Drake's first outing was even toTarget!

Target and I formed a strong relationship in the 6 months that I was home with Drake. It was very rare for me to not make at least 3 trips in a week.  Oh how I looked forward to those trips and the freedom of being out of the house.

I would load Drake up in his infant carrier, more times than not brave the flying snow and head to our home away from home. I would grab a cart, wipe it down a hundred times with sanitizer wipes and head over to get myself a fountain pop(large diet with a little cherry please) or a Starbucks (tall nonfat whatever I was feeling that day).

This is where the danger began. I would browse the women's clothing aisle in hope of finding some loose fitting shirts to cover the post baby belly. Then I would stroll on over to the baby section where I would spend most of my time and lots of my money. Clothes, toys, diapers, formula, baby food, socks, wipes, sippy cups, new pacis, new bath tub, new nipples, new bottles, books,and sunshades are just a few of the many baby items that I picked up and put in my cart during those 6 months.

After leaving the baby section we would look at the seasonal holiday decorations before making our way to the cleaning supplies and health and  beauty section where many many more items would make their way into the cart.

Now comes the scary part...checking out. The cashier scans item after item and the total on the cash register keeps going up and up. By this point I'm having a slight panic attack because I had no idea those cute baby jeans were $20.00, because I probably forgot to look at the price tag!!! Then comes the fun part "Do you have any coupons you would like to use today" the cashier would ask and I would hand over my stash. I would feel a little weight go off my shoulders with every $0.50 that came off the total and would about jump for joy when I would hand her the coupon made of gold...a $5.00 Similac check!!!  One swipe of the credit card later and we are out the door.

My relationship with Target has changed since I went back to work 3 days a week. Now I only go to Target on Thursdays and I go with a list. I decided that maybe I should be using some of the massive amount of money I was spending at Target on something a little more know like Drake's college fund!

I have not yet gone in and only bought what is on my list, but I'm getting better. You see, detox takes some time. Someday I will stick to my list but for now it is small steps.


  1. Target is so dangerous for me!! my husband is always telling me that we should buy stock there hehe... I can never go ther and just get the ONE thing that I was going there for, I always end up with so much more in my cart!!!

  2. That's tough. I love that place, too & never leave without something in hand...usually what I didn't go in their for originally.

    Good luck & good idea! ;)

  3. I too am addicted to Target; I have stopped going all together if I am by myself.....I need backup to tell me to put things down :)

  4. Oh how I totally hear what you are saying! I think during the summer months when I am not teaching Target has a HUGE boost on revenue. ;)

    So....I have been trying to think of a good spot for you and Drake to meet Laila and I this summer when we can't go to the pool or the park due to the about Target?? HA!

  5. Mommy of two and loving it...March 26, 2010 at 7:10 AM

    I am sooo glad the closest target to me is 60 miles away, I make a special trip somtimes and end up spending at least 100.00 everytime and on the way home wonder what the heck did I even buy?!? Me and Target have a love hate relationship!

  6. that's a great idea! but i'm afraid i'd be in target detox for forever. that place is so amazing. it's like a danger zone.
