Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My Other Half

A lot of this blog is about Drake and me and not a whole lot of attention is paid to my amazing husband! I thought now would be a great time to give him a little attention. So here are a few things that I love about my hubby!

  • Loves to eat and pretty much likes anything I make...or at least he pretends to
  • Is the most laid back person ever and lets pretty much anything roll of his back
  • Makes the BEST homemade pizza
  • Gets down on the floor and plays with Drake every chance he gets
  • Looks pretty handsome with a shaved head
  • Sets a great example for our son on how a man should treat a woman
  • Acts like he has been a member of my family forever...and fits right in
  • Works only 5 minutes from home and comes home every day for lunch
  • Has gotten up with Drake every other night since he was born
  • Loves to surprise me by making a nice dinner
  • Helps with housework
  • Has never ending patience with a screaming baby
  • Always puts his family first and would rather be with us than anybody else
  • Has the ability to make you feel like you are best friends after only knowing him for 5 minutes
  • Works hard for his family
  • Turned into a Daddy the second he held his son for the first time and has never looked back
  • Gives lots of love and attention to our dog
  • Does not mind staying home and playing with the baby on the weekends
  • Looks so cute all cuddled up napping with our son
Drake and I really won the lottery when it came to getting a great Daddy and Hubby.
Thanks Ben for being everything to us!!


  1. That is SO sweet! I love that he comes home everyday for lunch. What a great guy!

  2. I agree...BEN ROCKS!!! :)

  3. love this! what a great guy you have!
