Sunday, March 7, 2010

I Was Wrapped Around His Finger Since Before the Day He Was Born...

It was about one year ago that we found out that we were having a boy.  The weeks leading up to our ultrasound were spent guessing what we were having and talking about names. I wanted a girl...really bad. If somebody was to ask what I wanted I gave the standard "As long as it is healthy, we don't care" response, but deep down I knew that I wanted a girl.

You see, I grew up in a family of mostly women. I have 2 younger sisters who I have a great relationship with and  my mom is my best friend. To me it seemed that a baby girl would just complete our little clan.

The big ultrasound day came and we were not in the ultrasound room 5 minutes before the tech asked "Do you want to know the sex, I can see it right here and I have no doubt what it is." Ben and I excitedly told her to tell us. "It's a boy" she said.  The second she said "It's a boy" the future I saw of dresses, and shopping, and heart to heart talks died and was replaced with cars, and football, and mud...and you know what? I was OK with that because I just saw MY baby boy moving, and sucking HIS thumb and saw HIS little heart beat. At that exact moment I fell in love!!
Our first picture of our little boy
As the months went by, we picked out a name, painted his room and bought clothes. With each of these steps, I fell more and more in love with my little boy. On August 1st, I found myself holding the most beautiful baby boy. The second I laid eyes on his crazy mop of black hair and looked into his huge eyes, my heart melted and I knew this was the baby  I was always meant to have!
2 days before Drake was born

Since that day I have never looked back and I LOVE being a mom to boy. He is wild and crazy and loud and sweet and cuddly and loves his Momma something fierce. I am in love with his little man clothes, his crazy black blond hair, his sloppy wet kisses, his belly laugh, the way he touches my face when I talk. I am in love in a way I have never been before. I am forever changed for the better because I have the honor and privilege of being his Momma.
My sweet newborn Drakie

I can't wait to have more kids and would be happy to have a little girl at some point. But you know what?  I would be insanely happy with a bunch of boys running around the house chasing the dog and climbing on the furniture with their sticky fingers.

I have learned a very important lesson from all of this....God gives you the family you are suppose to have and He knows so much better what we need than we ever will.

Thank God for knowing I needed a little boy!
7 Months of pure bliss!


  1. Justin and JustineMarch 7, 2010 at 1:37 PM

    Reading this makes me feel a little better... I am like you before you found out. I want a girl so badly that I think I could burst at any second. On Tuesday we find out what we are having and although I know I will be disapointed if it is a boy, I know I will get past it and be ready to welcome whatever it is into the world come August 3rd. :)

  2. I think this is your best post yet!! I have read it twice now and can't get the smile off my face! LOVE IT!!!!!! Being a mommy is for sure one of God's greatest gifts!

  3. Katie, I couldn't agree with you more. There is something about little boys that melt your heart and the love that they have for you is like nothing else. I praise and thank God for blessing us with three, soon to be four, little boys. He is Awesome! Take Care Friend!

  4. Precious post. All three of you are so blessed to have each other! :)

  5. this is so sweet, mama. i am near tears! boys are seriously awesome.

  6. Hi -

    I'm dropping by from SITS and am so glad to have found your post. I too, am the mother of a boy and he has changed my world.

    You will enjoy every minute of it!

  7. Katie,
    I Loved reading your story, my story was almost the exact same as yours, i have a sister and mom who are very close to me so of course i was looking forward to a girl also, the minute they told me i was having a boy my heart dropped only to be completely full of love for my son five minutes later!!! I thought my second child should be a boy, after all i knew all about boys and had all the clothes and toys another boy would need....surprise, surprise, it was a girl! lol I am soo blessed to have such a beautiful family and i get to be a mom to two wonderful kids, it goes to show we do not know what's best for us nor do we get to pick what we're having only God knows what's best for us and he is full of wonderful surprises and love! God has generously blessed all of us! Thank You Katie for sharing ur story now i want to give my little man a kiss and a hug!!

  8. What a great way to start my day. Now that my girls are older, it's nice to be reminded of the way I felt when they were tiny.
    Found you on SITS.

  9. Oh my goodness your son is adorable! Look at that smile!!! Thank you for giving me my baby fix first thing on a Monday!

    Also, thank you so much on your post about counting the kicks. I found it very interesting and will definitely check the organization out. My fiance and I are currently in the process of planning our wedding, but we hope to start a family shortly after that. I had no idea about counting the kicks or the risks associated with decreased fetal movement. Drake truly is a blessing from above!

  10. He's beautiful! I have 2 boys, and they are a JOY. I too thought I was having a girl -- even wore pink to the ultrasound! ;)

    Have a great week!

  11. M'kay now I'm about to bawl! I have one child, a 4 year old crazy, gorgeous, wild, brilliant boy. I actually wanted a boy (I SO know what you mean about "as long as it's healthy")mostly for my husband....but I really wanted a boy. What a beautiful blessing boys are!! Stopping in from SITS!

  12. So handsome! Boys are great! I have 3, and 3 girls as well! :0)

  13. Annie @ astonesthrowfrominsanityNovember 8, 2010 at 6:11 AM

    So sweet! I love my boy too!:)

  14. 8, 2010 at 6:20 AM

    Precious!!! I love your quote about 'God gives us the family we were meant to have'...that is so true! and yours is adorable!

  15. Teresha@Marlie and MeNovember 8, 2010 at 6:28 AM

    That is the sweetest pregnancy/birth story! I'm welling up...stopping by from SITS

  16. I'm stopping by from SITS and after reading this thought-"Wow, this is exactly my story too!" In fact, almost down to his birth date (my little guy was born July 30th). I wanted a girl so badly, but now that I have my boy, I would gladly have more.

    Okay, I'm off to

  17. What a great story. Congrats on your day!

  18. Came by from SITS Girls (aren't they great?!)

    I have four kids. My oldest (age 26) is a girl...and then I had three boys! They are now ages 22, 16, and 8.

    My daughter and I are best friends which is great because I don't get out much!

    However, my oldest son is exactly like me in personality and we are very close. There is a special bond there.

    My 16-year old (almost 17-year old) son is exactly like his dad. Therefore, they are close. And we get along swimmingly too.

    My youngest is still little enough to be my cuddly one. He is a very unique child and though I had him when I was 40 and he was a very difficult child, I am so thankful God gave him to us.

    I guess what I'm saying is that your relationship with your kids will be different based as much on personality as anything else. I have great relationships with all my kids but they all have a different quality not just based on gender.

    But I AM hoping to have some granddaughters someday, so I can start buying dresses and hairbows again! It's been a long time!

  19. What a sweet story :) I thought I was having a girl (who knows why) and found myself to be so blessed with a boy. You last line is perfect: Thank God for knowing I needed a little boy! Visiting from SITS & congrats on your day!

  20. Awww! I love this story!
    I know what you mean when you say that you fell in love the first time you saw the ultrasound. My third pregnancy was unplanned and came as a total shock. I didn't really know how to feel about the pregnancy until I saw her little heart beating and knew I was in love.

    Thanks for sharing this! I love his eyes in the last picture!

  21. Boys are great!... congrats on your special day(s).

  22. It really is amazing, and a happy occurrence that motherhood instantly changes so many of our previously held beliefs, ideas, and preconceived notions!
