Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Happy 4 Month Birthday D

Our little man is 4 months old today!! Sadly he welcomed this day by waking up with a cold and a fever from his shots yesterday, so we have spent the day snuggling!!

This is how I found D after his nap the other day. He must have wanted the dog on his head!

Here is what D is up to at 4 months:
  • Smiling, "talking", and smiling some more at anybody who looks at him! This is a big change from a couple of weeks ago where he only had smiles for people he knew. Watch out girls he is a little flirt already!
  • Eating cereal 2 times  a day and loving it!
  • Rolling over both ways! He loves rolling across the room so no more being left on mommy and daddy's bed for naps!
  •  He sleeps from 8pm-4 or 5 am, is up for half hour to eat and then asleep till 7-8am. Thanks D we are loving it!
  • D LOVES his dog S, and smiles when he is around.
  • We can see 2 teeth poking through and at least 3 more places with swelled up gums
  • He weighed 14.8 lbs (53%) and was 26 inches long (90%) yesterday at the doctor
  • Every night after supper we lay him on our bed and let him kick and then we follow that by a bath. Not only does D have the best time ever, but that is probably mine and B's favorite part of the day too!
  • He had his first haircut at the salon this week!! His hair was getting OUT OF CONTROL!!
"Ready for more cereal mom!"
Dear D,
Thanks for giving us 4 awesome months so far! Thank you also for changing your attitude and not crying every night from 5-8, we have a lot more fun in the evenings now!! You are so sweet and your daddy and I just can't get enough of your cuddles, smiles and coos. We have loved watching you grow and change and can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve!
We love you little man!

Having so much fun in the bath!

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