Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tuesday Thoughts

So I decided to keep this as a weekly post. I always have all sorts of things running though my head and this is a great place to get them out!!

This picture makes me laugh every time I look at it. How cute is he?!?!

2. Pretty much everyday I put Drake in his swing and turn on Baby Einstein. He talks and laughs at it for a half hour and momma gets a much needed break. I know many people would never think about doing such a thing, but it works for us!

3. I am so excited for Drake's 1st Christmas that every day this week is going so slow!! Momma might have gone a little crazy buying presents for the little guy, but how could I resist?

4. 1 month from today Ben and I leave for Hawaii. I'm so excited and so dreading it all at the same time. Drake will stay with my parents, who are great with him, but I get a pit in my stomach every time I think about leaving him for 9 days. On the other hand, uninterrupted sleep, staying up late, and only worrying about ourselves sounds pretty nice sometimes too!!

5. I will never again complain about being spit up on when all a baby is drinking is formula. This kind of spit up is much preferred over a baby who now eats carrots, cereal and formula. Drake and I have both been sporting multiple outfits a day lately!!

6. We took Drake to the Pediatric GI Specialist on Friday to follow up with him on Drake's reflux issues. He eats solids great, but cries every time he sees his bottle. The doctor said that he associates the bottle with pain and that is why he cries everything he sees it. Have you ever heard of anything so sad??? It broke my heart into a million pieces. A baby is suppose to LOVE their bottle. The good news is that we don't think he is in pain as he does not cry once he gets started eating, he just remembers how bad the heartburn used to hurt him. If it was up to him he would say goodbye to that nasty bottle now and eat his heart out on baby food and cereal.

Merry Christmas and safe travels to all!


  1. HAWAII?!?! How nice. GOOD for you guys! I think it's REALLY IMPORTANT for couples to take time ALONE with EACH OTHER. :)

  2. You're going to Hawaii?!? So jealous! =) Scott and I are excited to celebrate our anniversary by going to Iowa City this weekend.

    Maybe it's time for Drake to drink out of a sippy cup. LOL Poor guy...glad he's doing better though!
