Monday, December 21, 2009

I Should Buy Stock in

Yep, I have an unhealthy obsession with I have placed six separate orders in the past 2 weeks. It is so easy and I do get GREAT deals, I buy everything for less than I would in a store, I don't have to pay tax, and I almost always get free shipping. So what have I bought? Let me tell you!

1.Nikon D3000
 My amazing camera that I might be even more obsessed with than I am with Amazon. It is easy to use, takes really great pictures and has been a great investment in our family's memories.

2. ?
A Christmas gift for somebody who reads my blog, so I must keep the details of that purchase a secret.

3.LeapFrog Fridge Farm
I just had to buy Drake this LeapFrog Fridge Farm for Christmas. He will be sitting up on his own soon and I know he will love to play with this while I'm in the kitchen.

4.The Woombie
As many of you know, Drake LOVES LOVES LOVES to be swaddled. The problem was that he was breaking out of his swaddle at least 2 times a night and waking himself up because he was too big for every swaddle blanket(including my much loved miracle blanket). We tried with a HUGE fail last Sunday to have him sleep unswaddled. So after doing a lot of research I found this wonderful invention online. It is basically just like a sleep sack only it does not have openings for  the arms and the best part is that it came in 4 different sizes so we could have one that fit Drake just right. I'm happy to report that so far the woombie is living up to all the hype. He can move around easier than he could in the swaddle, so it is a great transition to not being swaddled, but his naughty hands don't wake him up!!
Doesn't he look like a little Caterpillar in this contraption?!?! I think it is so cute!!

5. Evenflo Triumph Advance LX Convertible Car Seat
I was starting to think about what I wanted to get for a car seat when Drake out-grew his infant carrier. I was researching all the options and after reading many positive consumer and safety review I decided to go with this one. I was able to get a great deal and paid far less for it on amazon than I would at Target or Babies R Us.

6. ?
Another gift :)

I think I need to go back to work soon before this gets out of hand :)!!


  1. Watch your doors. I live just around the corner & REALLY want your camera! ;P

    I really need to check out Amazon more often - I never realized there were so many perks.

    ENJOY the giving & MERRY CHRiSTMAS to you ALL! :)

  2. Isn't Amazon the best!! I spend way too much money on their website! Drake looks so cute in his new Woombie - what a great idea! :)
