Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Random Thought Tuesday

Here are a few random thoughts that have been going through my head. If I have enough of these I might make this a weekly post :)

  • I would love to post a video of Drake in my blog but at this point that is out of the question. Why, you might ask. Because pretty much every single video we have Drake includes me trying to get him to smile, laugh, roll over, etc. and I do this by singing. People who know me know that I am a bit challenged in the area of vocal talent. Looks like until I can control myslef and not sing in videos there will be none on this blog!
  • In the area related to singing, Drake's favorite song is by the Black Eyed Peas. HAHA he will calm down, laugh and smile as soon as that song comes on. Future Rock Star on our hands?!?
  • I am no longer wearing maternity jeans. 4 1/2 months after my little lad was born, I have retired the jeans. Now before you start giving me all sorts of "Wow, great for you" responses, I must  be honest. I do have a pair of jeans that I can button and zip and they fit pretty good, but my super cute styling jeans do not button and only zip half-way, but I still wear them with my wonderful Bella Band. I HAD to have a pair of jeans to wear with all my boots this winter, so this was my solution.
  • I officially have 13.6 lbs to loose until I met my goal. I will then be rewarding myself with an overpriced pair of jeans and some form fitting shirts!
  • I will run the dishwasher if all it contains is bottles to avoid washing the bottles by hand. Call me lazy if you want. I call myself smart for not doing the worst household job...dishes:)
  • Dear VW Mall Younkers, Do you think it would be too much to ask to move your diaper changing station more than a step in from the door?!?!? I'm not joking when I say you walk in and practically run into the changer. Of course Drake decides to have the biggest poop of his whole life while we are out shopping on Saturday and every poor soul that stepped foot into the Younkers bathroom saw it too!! In addition, there was no place to put my diaper bag down beside the floor, which is disgusting so I held it. Do you have any idea how hard it is to change a world record breaking poopy diaper while holding your diaper bag? I really think Ben was about to come in after us because we were gone so long. I think from now on I will stick with what I know and love...good 'ol Von Maur mothers room!


  1. Oh katie- you have to make this a weekly thing! I am cracking up! SO FUNNY! The singing thing- Laila and Drake can probably share stories! I bet Ben and Jon could share stories about our singing as well! The changing table- SO TRUE! I think mother's should be in charge of everything in this world- who designs these bathrooms anyway?

  2. I totally second the family restroom or the mother's room in Von Maur!!! The malls family restrooms are even better. They need to put something nicer in the Younkers end of the mall!!!

    I'll have to keep the Black Eyed Peas in the back of my memory bank and have my Itunes ready!!!
